Las Palomas update?

El Gato

Has anyone heard any updates on Las Palomas? We heard one rumor that something is happening within the next week or so - financially. Have a friend who put a lot of money down a few years ago and has been in limbo since then.


Sounds like they had an HOA meeting this past weekend and things don't look good. Lot's of finger pointing about bills not
being paid and such.
Glad I don't own there.


Yes, I work for the Sonorans and am probably not completely neutral but I can say that all of the Sonorans HOA's have a surplus and are doing fine. IMHO, they are the most stable resorts group out there right now. Just look at all the unfinished projects just sitting still. The Sky finished construction in the fall of 2007. They had already known that hard times were coming but still delivered a completed project as promised.


Any idea how many sold units at Las Palomas? If the HOA is in debt, doesn't that mean the individual owners are liable for that debt? Guess one would have to see teh CC&Rs. Any Las Palomas owners on the forum?


Looks like the owners will be forced to kick in 20k each as a last resort...hmmmmm The last Resort might be a good name for the place (Pigeon Coop another strong contender) if they can force this Miskin character out.


Any one remember not to long ago the union issues at Las Conchas They tried to strong hold the community It cost money but they got of the union contract


Las Palomas is in big trouble. Most of the rental employees were laid off and they have not received their pay. Some owners considering walking away and cutting their loses. The people that are officers of the HOA won't even keep their members informed as to what is going on with their money. The owners in the rental pool are owed over a $100,000,000.00 USD in back rent. Doen't look like they will ever get it. This resort is giving all of PP a bad name.