Old site -- who purchased it


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I understand that what's done is done and that I am now beating a dead horse but after we found out the site was sold, I posted up on the old forum asking the new owners to post up, introduce themselves and tell us what your plans were. Had we been forewarned, we might have been able to get contact info for a lot of the old members. So many of them have not found the new site yet. And, the loss of the old info is truly sad.

I also pm'd you a few days ago but you haven't picked it up yet.

Just my .02 cents worth.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
And to think I missed all this excitement while I was down in San Carlos for the past week or so!

I'm going to make a couple comments, and that's it:

I was the old forum. The one who tended it and kept it moving forward on a day-to-day basis as a "labor of love" for both the people that used it and the information it contained. In the years I did this, I never made one slim dime for any of my efforts. I had some occasional help from a couple of the forum users and although I won't name them here, I credit and thank them for helping me when we had a virus attack and other issues that were beyond my technical scope. At the time of the old site sale, the forum was operating like a well-oiled machine. I did discuss buying the site with the previous owner, but the price was well beyond my reach. My hope was that the new owners would contact me, if for no other reason, advice. That never happened. Oh well, shit happens, that's life.

I have no personal vendettas against Seaside, Steve Schwab, or anyone. It was simply ashame to see what was truly a living history of people, places, events, honest advice, and fishing reports in Rocky Point lost. It was an open exchange of opinions, the kind of honest information that money cannot buy. That information can never be replaced.


Without you that site would of died a painfull death last summer. I think you should get half the money if not more from the sale.


Well, there goes the neighborhood. I had suspicion all along that it was Seaside. Is that not Steve Schwab's outfit? Realistically, the amount of money for that site was ridiculous. Wonder how the hit count is now that forum is dead?
Personally I think both Joshua and Steve do a lot of good things for Rocky point and Joshua does great websites!