Saturday fishing


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Whew... choppy 3 foot whitecaps, 18 knot winds, and the Mateo says Severe Thunderstorms likely...

As much as I want to get out on the water, I think I'm gonna wait for a better forecast.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Audi was wanting me to go with him on Sat. Neither of us have had our boats in the water in seemingly forever. Buoyweather made it a no go for me. I also saw a very good chance for severe thunderstorms in the forecast for Saturday and, although I'm a big brave guy and all, lightning out on the ocean scares me enough to almost make me pee my pants! There's just nowhere to hide out there when you're the tallest thing on the water. I've turned tail and hauled ass before when I've seen lightning in the distance or isolated thunderstorm cells approaching. Some wind and waves? Eh, I've toughed it out, no biggie. Lightning? Very scary stuff, too unpredictable and can travel for miles, even if you're not caught up in the storm cell.

Think I'll just save my pennies for a long Labor Day weekend and maybe get two days of fishing in (if I'm lucky).

Dennis and Painless are down in Lobos fishing with Ted this weekend. Even if it storms up, they can fish just around the corner from the launch site along the beach for roosters. I heard Doug and Scott got their boat up and running again and may be down that way as well.

Seadweller said the water was like butter yesterday, but very hot and humid. Also said Rick Hammer was pretty iffy about fishing on Sat., but they were going to the 43 today instead.
No go today... big winds all night and waves today... Lee Lee went out and turned around and came right back in...

On another note... we were watching all the schools of baby fish swimming around the slips at Safe Marine when all of a sudden we noticed something taking swoops at them... after watching for a little bit we could clearly sea stripes on the sides and long dorsil fins... although they were small they were Roosters... Cool...