Spring Break figures set records

Another NOTHING BURGER tale............

That's just about as exciting as watching Bermuda grass grow. And a sheep nibbling on it.

More than like likely the Los Conchas road. Good luck getting that improved.

Hit a mucho baracho palm tree?



Sounds like the road coming back from the Reef where the road, without notice a median appears out of nowhere with palm trees on it. I have seen people miss this and end up on the left side. Easy to do if you are not paying attention.


Lovin it in RP!
It was the accident in front of Bella, I heard locally that speed was for sure a factor but no proof alcohol was involved. I bet it was involved. The traffic heading back and forth to Wrecked or out to Cholla is impossible during Spring break and Semana Santa, we simply stay home even though we have our projects out in Cholla we could have worked on. We just decided to paint our house instead and the kept us home!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Just did the turnaround by Esmeralda from Wrecked this weekend. Coming off a dirt road hauling ass into the speed bumped asphalt that is Sandy Beach. Easy enough to see how this happened.

Doesn't make it any less sad. How the hell have I survived all my years of being an idiot on many of those roads? I dunno...

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This is one of the articles that I came across on Periódico de Frente... The car was smashed against palm tree and appeared to be on Sandy Beach road near Bella /Esmeralda.... There's really no way you should be going faster than 35 on that road and and how the hell do you hit a palm tree? With how beat the car was I'm guessing speed and overall having your head up your ass was the cause. I'm sorry but if you're reckless you almost deserve the consequences Poor decisions.... My parents tried to beat it into my head every day how poor decisións have severe consequences ... Like I said not surprising for Semana Santa because reckless irresponsible behavior is the norm. Sad that two lives were lost but they were in control of themselves and made poor decisions. With how bad the car was I'm guessing the behavior would be considered reckless at minimum...


Hard to say, from current accounts, neither fatality was the driver. Now, should they have had the sense under the circumstances to elect not entering the vehicle? We may never know.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Agreed, Russ. But I have to temper it with all the stupid shit I did at that age and somehow survived.

But yes, two beautiful children lost.

Do you recall several years ago when a young college guy tried to do a backfill off the bar at Pithaya? He failed, broke his neck, and died on the spot.

Spring Break... Mexico... alcohol... and the folly of youth. Can be very sad.


This makes me think about the now abandoned ambulance station funded by families whose children died on the highway because there was no nearby ambulance. Now abandoned prolly form lack of funding.
Remember this one........

Spring Break, 1997, Best Western next to the then non existent Capones. Had a group of college age scuba students staying in the motel for an early morning next day dive. Around 3 AM, hear a car alarm go off. Look out my window to see one of the kids screaming at a Mexican kid picking thru the crap in the back of his pickup directly below his second floor window. He pulls the window screen away and whips out a pistol and shoots the kid a couple of times.

Last time we ever heard of our student was when the RP police were hauling him off.

Probably speaks some pretty good street-wise spanglish by now, if he's still alive.

Remember this one.....

Spring Break 2000, my place in Miramar. Had a group of college age scuba students some in the house, most at the Best Western. One girl, a Dive Master, assigned to assist with the early morning next day dive asks my GF to borrow her truck for a quick run to Reggies. Around 3 AM one of the "guards" from Los Conchas comes knocking on the door to let us know the my GF's truck was upside down over the dunes in the swamp grass along the estero near Cedo. We head on over and see that it's covered with blood the roof smashed flat and no one around. Turns out the chick picked up a group of the dive students, loaded up with booze at Reggies and headed to the beach. Ending being all to similar to the one above that started this thread. Two dead, tossed from the bed of the truck and the Dive Master girl with a skull fracture and broken arm.

Remember this one..................

I'll save it for later.

Absolutely heartbreaking.............


No one can possibly blame anyone or anything in Mexico for this. Except........the "BOY" driving the car.

The Reef bar is not at fault. The road is not at fault. The "lighting" is not at fault. The palm is not at fault. The RP law enforcement is NOT at fault.

Those juveniles made their decisions while under the influence and paid the price.

Been going on for thousands of years and will never stop.

