URGENT - Highway Census Poll

Manny Sanchez

Vir sapit qui pauca loqui

The Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT in Spanish) will conduct a census poll on Highway 8 between Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco where motorist will be asked Origin-Destination information on their trip and commercial vehicles will be weighed. The company doing this work is conducting this poll on ALL Highways in the States of Sonora and Chihuahua under contract from the Secretary.

They had planned to conduct this census from the 24th until 28th of May but because of the latest incidents in the news, they have agreed to postpone it starting next Monday the 31st in the afternoon to set up equipment and the actual polling at 11:59 PM until Friday June 4th at midnight. This is a 24 hour operation.

Signs will be placed one mile before the polling station and the personnel will be wearing the proper highway vests and identification.

Please find the following attachments: Sample road sign

I urge you to post this information on you social networks and publications ASAP to prevent any misunderstandings.


Arq. Fausto Soto
International Relations and Tourism
City of Puerto Peñasco



Manny, question?
"Vir sapit qui pauca loqui" latin? "El hombre inteligente es el que dice poco/ the wise man does not have to speak too much" almost there?
it has been 30+ years since I had latin in el bachillerato, and I just noticed it under your avatar!!


I remember it was really hard at first but then is just like anything else and even better since, as we know our languages, both spanish and english, come from latin, I took it for 2 years in high school and right as I was starting to get into it, it was taken away since it was a dead language, I did had a little help from a dictionary to be able to translate the sentence, so do not think I still have it all in, is just like anything, if you do not practice it it goes away!!
I forgot in the previous post, thanks for the heads up in the hghway poll!!
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How do we contact Fausto Soto? They absolutely shouldn't start this census on Memorial Day. Isn't traffic going to be bad enough?? What are they thinking? Rosy????


I was wrong!!

Amazing, just amazing... I'd thought I'd seen it all with that weird kinda scary advertisment from Mexico, and then the U.S. Consulate in Nogales with the phoney roadblock report to top it off...I was wrong!!
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Are they going to be in camos w/ AK47s? They cannot do this on Memorial Day!!! We aren't going to have enough traffic going back to the States that they need to do a Census? This is as stupid as the ad in the AZ Republic.

Manny Sanchez

Vir sapit qui pauca loqui
Hey if anyone see it they should post a picture on the forum, so everyone knows what the highway census poll looks like.