Wierd scene coming into Rocky Point today.


No doubt he's viewed as doing the job the government couldn't/wouldn't do. The bigger point is - isn't arming the local populace and going on Templar hunting trips just replacing one outlaw group (the cartel) with another outlaw group that has their own agenda and still doesn't report to the government/law enforcement? I mean, what if I armed the local population here in Tempe and we took over city hall and kicked out all of the police and started making our own laws and rules? We're talking revolution here, in the truest sense of the word.

Eh, maybe it's what needs to happen, but there is no guarantee that the end result is going to be the one that was wanted -- similar to the situation we see in Iraq right now reverting to hell in a handbasket between warring factions.

I think there might be the makings of a independence war about to happen. I would say 90% of them are ex army, when the government and the cartel are bad and dirty, what else is there for the people to do? I would not put it past the US, if they were not helping out in this. All he needs is more supporters more weapons and the love and trust of the people of Mexico and he will become the new leader. Maybe its time for change in Mexico. If he gains enough support from the people you know some country will step in and help him finish the task.


I think there might be the makings of a independence war about to happen. I would say 90% of them are ex army, when the government and the cartel are bad and dirty, what else is there for the people to do? I would not put it past the US, if they were not helping out in this. All he needs is more supporters more weapons and the love and trust of the people of Mexico and he will become the new leader. Maybe its time for change in Mexico. If he gains enough support from the people you know some country will step in and help him finish the task.
You're talking about a "failed State"!!
I own a business two blocks south of the Space Needle in Seattle in a nice area of town, yet two years ago a man was shot and killed in broad daylight, on a Saturday afternoon not 15 feet from my front door. 7 years ago I was sitting in the window of a salon downtown across from Macy's waiting to get my hair cut when a man on the other side of the plate glass pulled out a gun and started firing in the direction of Macy's into the crowd of pedestrians. Not 6 inches from my face. I think the point isn't that Puerto Penasco is safe-but that it is no MORE dangerous than living anywhere else in our increasingly violent society.

If you are afraid, stay home. Period. People get to choose to live in fear or just plain live. I have had 7 near brushes with death and could have died at any time (it will require tequila for me to relate the falling underneath a horse story...) The point is your life turns on a dime. When the cartel start hunting tourists I will change my opinions based on new information. But I will never live my life based on the fear that governs another.

I am sure it was terrifying for all who were there, but I have also learned a great lesson from life and that is when you are scared out of your mind it will wake you from the daily apathy that many anesthetize themselves against with drugs, alcohol, TV and even video games. When I die I will at least have been alive when it happens. Much more than I can say for so many people I meet who are already checked out.

My 2 cents... stepping down off my soap box now.
HA HA Hill Boy,

Im almost 50 and I think I'm either VERY lucky to have survived, OR VERY UNlucky to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time! Perspective. I choose lucky. My friends all tease me I'm the luckiest person they know! :) But visiting the inside of a church on occasion is a good idea...
I completely and totally agree - make it legal already!
(Cannot wait to see what I stirred up with this comment:cool:)
I agree Luna, you cant legislate morality, or good sense. Let the gene pool have some chlorine. MJ is not my choice but is no worse than alcohol which IS. The other chemical cocktails are toxic and personally if it does not occur in nature it doesn't go into my body. You can keep your diet sodas too. Legalize, tax, and then educate. Then let anyone kill themselves if they so choose. Not my life, not my business, so not my call.
HAHAHA Thats what HE said!!

I guess a little humor after a few months is ok. If I have offended anyone, I cant say I'm sorry. Suck it up buttercup. Life deals FAR WORSE tragedies than this for Christ's sake. Try watching someone you love succomb to ALS. THEN we will talk. If you are still traumatized, get professional help. There are countries full of people who live under these conditions daily. Yet they don't go on for weeks as to how they can't sleep, eat, can't get images out of their brain, etc. If you choose to let 1 day define your life then you NEED counseling, no matter how bad that day is.

Now that I have offended the masses who wants to get together for drinks when I move down next month? Oh yes, bought the penthouse at Bella Sirena. Fear is for the weak.