Critical water shortage in Penasco


Lovin it in RP!
Funny pero my post is obviously something I made up what with me being a hater and all. My guess is you have a tank and would not be aware that the street supply is gone.
I have had a tank since 2001 oh so like over 15 years and I have never been out of water. blame me for being proactive and not a victim.


I have had a tank since 2001 oh so like over 15 years and I have never been out of water. blame me for being proactive and not a victim.
Yes I blame you for this and lots of other things too and am telling every one in Pensco about it too !! You'll be sorry.

Again another Russ objection to reporting troublesome but important news. No wonder Jerry left the forum.

Odd use of words there. Lots of folks here cannot afford a tank or a pump but I do not see them as victims. Well maybe of an inept or corrupt govt.

Point is or was that the street supply has been absent more than usual and yes if you have a tank and are careful you should have no problem. I capture the condensate from my AC and use it to do laundry and water plants.


Roberto do you have nothing better to do. Laundry with condensation from A/C how lucky you are. Many people in RP would love to have A/C and that extra water.
Uh, blame Roberto for being proactive! He didn't say he was "better" than anybody or not a "victim" just because he conserves water like that. He wasn't comparing himself to anybody without AC - talk about a STRETCH!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of this back and forth shit about who is better than who! How many times do the rest of us neutral people say that we want ALL THE INFORMATION - BOTH GOOD AND BAD - about Rocky Point - NOT JUST THE GOOD AND NOT JUST THE BAD! (Yes, I'm yelling thus, all caps). If people are too stupid or ignorant to decipher the information then that's their problem isn't it?

Over and over, for years now, I've said I like Russ' contributions and I like Jerry's contributions also. You will never hear Jerry touting the Mermaid's market - but you will also never hear Russ telling you about cartel activity. I WANT BOTH CONTRIBUTIONS! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ONE OR THE OTHER????????????????????????????????????????

Roberto is a long-time Rocky Point resident and a contributor of very valuable information. If it's true that Jerry left the forum it's because all of the people who don't want to hear ANYTHING the least bit negative ran him off. Obviously now these same people are going to try to run Roberto off.

All you are going to be left with in this forum is a bunch of information about which restaurant has the best egg breakfasts and where the next craft market is going to be.


Also, take a minute to remember that Stuart and Tyler keep this forum going out of the goodness of their hearts and don't need to deal with all this bullshit.
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Uh, blame Roberto for being proactive! He didn't say he was "better" than anybody or not a "victim" just because he conserves water like that. He wasn't comparing himself to anybody without AC - talk about a STRETCH!!!!

I'm so sick and tired of this back and forth shit about who is better than who! How many times do the rest of us neutral people say that we want ALL THE INFORMATION - BOTH GOOD AND BAD - about Rocky Point - NOT JUST THE GOOD AND NOT JUST THE BAD! (Yes, I'm yelling thus, all caps). If people are too stupid or ignorant to decipher the information then that's their problem isn't it?

Over and over, for years now, I've said I like Russ' contributions and I like Jerry's contributions also. You will never hear Jerry touting the Mermaid's market - but you will also never hear Russ telling you about cartel activity. I WANT BOTH CONTRIBUTIONS! WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE ONE OR THE OTHER????????????????????????????????????????

Roberto is a long-time Rocky Point resident and a contributor of very valuable information. If it's true that Jerry left the forum it's because all of the people who don't want to hear ANYTHING the least bit negative ran him off. Obviously now these same people are going to try to run Roberto off.

All you are going to be left with in this forum is a bunch of information about which restaurant has the best egg breakfasts and where the next craft market is going to be.


Also, take a minute to remember that Stuart and Tyler keep this forum going out of the goodness of their hearts and don't need to deal with all this bullshit.
Well said!


Lovin it in RP!
That's it...I'm gonna start selling things at the Mermaids market made just for cartel members and their families....there I said cartel in my comment. on edit...I hate getting yelled at.
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Withholding comment to avoid the political arena.
What political arena????? Just because an opinion was posted it becomes a political arena???? So I guests posts are not supposed to have any personal inference, innuendo, tone, or content? From now on all posts should be factual and without personal reference to opinion - OK!!!!!! LOL
What political arena????? Just because an opinion was posted it becomes a political arena???? So I guests posts are not supposed to have any personal inference, innuendo, tone, or content? From now on all posts should be factual and without personal reference to opinion - OK!!!!!! LOL
Um, I know you're "worked up" about the Roberto-Russ cat fight, but I have no interest in contention. I think you may have misunderstood: My response was to Mexico Joe's political bait, which I didn't take. Common, Mis -- you and I agree on almost every post.
I don't do cat fights. I sometimes just disagree with people. If you see your glass as half empty....stop complaining and pour it into a smaller glass
Well – a quick little scrap, maybe. And I defend your self-defense. As with I am with Mis, Russ, I usually am right with you on your posts, and always appreciate your positive input. As for my 2 cents on the subject, I too, have tanks. No shortage here. But in talking with a local friend, learned that some residents have almost zero water pressure . . . can’t flush . . . can’t shower . . . due to work on aging system. I feel bad for them, and hope the city remedies the situation soon. (As for tourists, businesses have tanks – so keep coming!)
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Um, I know you're "worked up" about the Roberto-Russ cat fight, but I have no interest in contention. I think you may have misunderstood: My response was to Mexico Joe's political bait, which I didn't take. Common, Mis -- you and I agree on almost every post.
LOL - I did misunderstand - I forgot about Mex Joe's post! Sorry Southbeacher! How could you tell I was worked up? LOL I stay quiet for the most part for the last couple of years, but sometimes I just need to let it all out.
LOL - I did misunderstand - I forgot about Mex Joe's post! Sorry Southbeacher! How could you tell I was worked up? LOL I stay quiet for the most part for the last couple of years, but sometimes I just need to let it all out.
And your venting was well warranted!


Come on Roberto. There are a lot of us who have tanks, and also conserve. We don't need to get nasty saying "I'll tell everyone in town and you'll be sorry!" Because someone has a tank?? Anyone who lives down in Penasco in a severe desert better have a water storage system and conserve like crazy.
The crystal clear fresh water pool at my condo in Mirador contains more than 100,000 gallons of the good stuff.

We have buckets that we use to flush the head as well as shower when the local system fails. We only drink RO or bottled water and RO ice, even in Yuma.

The "street" water system fills 500 gallon tanks on the roofs of the three story buildings that gives us "good" water pressure.

We therefore do not have to depend on the local system when it has it's occasional hiccups. If things get too "shitty" we just load up and head back home!

And yes Joe, as King Hussein has declared, ISIS is the product of "global warming". Makes me wonder how Ali Baba and his 40 ever made it through those summers without AC.
