An EFFECTIVE response to the Warden's message

I have a question for the Tourism Board, the elected officials of Sonora/Penasco, and the business owners in Penasco.....

Why haven't you all gotten into some cars and descended on the Consulate to request a retraction....rather then the gnashing of teeth (sorry for the description) that I've seen on here? Drive up to Phoenix and Tucson, and request an on camera interview with the TV stations, and interviews with the newspapers.


El Pirata
Pete post all you want you make a great point. Don't worry about the clicks. Thats why its a free forum. You are libre on here
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Nice try at deflection.....what other constructive posts have you made on here???....if you've been going down to RP for any length of time, I'm sure you would have a wealth of info to provide any new members when they ask questions.....have you???? I'm not "fixated" on the number of posts, per se, just that most of your posts have been an attack, rather than providing useful info to anyone reading this Forum...particularly those that are new to RP. All of us "regulars" on here get "into it" occasionally...but if you look at our posts, you will find that these skirmishes do not make up the majority of our your attack does!

My reason for "defending" Sub, as you call it, is because of your very personal attack on another member of this Forum. You've stooped to name calling and innuendo (accusing him of being the one providing the unsubstantiated info that was given by the "Warden"). A personal attack on another member of this Forum does not qualify as something "constructive" in my mind......

So I repeat...tell us something about you own a condo? you own a business in RP? the drop in tourism hurting you in the wallet????....your reply doesn't show me the motivation for your posts....or even come close to justifying them!!!
I dont own a condo, house, trailer or a business in RP. I just like going there often w/ friends & I don't like seeing them not want to go because they hear a false or exagerated rumor......

Concerning constructive don't have a clue what constructive posts are.....If you are as truly concerned w/ constructive posts as you SAY you are then you would have had a major problem w/ your "friend" Submarine's posts a long time ago....

Great choice of friends by the way......


RkyPtJoe.....why do you defend a person who wants all businesses in RP to fail?? Do you feel that way too?

and don't give me this balogney answer of ( gee I feel your personally attacking Submarine & I need to defend him cause he & I have been posting on here for years & your a new guy ) lame

NEWS FLASH......anybody who want's all businesses in RP to fail is just plain trash


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Pete - sage advice here, last warning! You obviously didn't get it from the post I deleted. No personal attacks. You have an issue with someone, take it to Private Message or personal email. We don't care that you hate Submarine and think he's a cancer. We don't care if Joe hates Jerry or Playa hates everybody or whoever hates Obama/Bush/me. Take it up with that person directly, not the public forum.

You are free to express your opinion about what is posted here -- good or bad. You are not free to start expressing your opinion about other posters. We're all one big dysfunctional family here and we kinda like it that way.



:gofish:This crap sucks. I called Russ names and others are calling names also. For my part I'm sorry for the name calling but I still think Russ should quit some of his crap.
I have been preparing to retire in RP for 25+ years and before this crisis came I was almost ready. I will be 62 in July and I see no hope for the economy here and worse for my beloved second home.
These two bad publicities we've had this past week are making things tougher for the many buisnesses in Penasco and I feel for each and every one of you.
Our tourism board made a big mistake but as they say this too shall pass.
I've been on this forum now for more than five years and I can tell newbies one thing- Don't look for an argument because there are many Devil's advocates here just dying to pull your chain, Sub has been on this forum many years and tho' I don't know him personally i enjoy his posts. He, like a lot of us would like to go back to the "good ol' days" unfortunately they are gone and won't be returning soon.
In the end RP is my second home and I hate what's going on with Arpaiio and the fence and narco traficantes and goodbye to calle trece for family fun. We, as a group, are all getting our panties in a bunch over this crap and I think we should all go to the beach and forget that even together we cannot change all that much. VAYA CON DIOS TODOS Y PIENSAMOUS EN NUESTA FUTURO EN PARAIISIO
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Submarine personally attacks Russ and others all the time on posts. Just from what I have seen. I do feel that since the forum is called rocky point talk it should be positive news about RP. And the comments should be positive too. Where is the love ya'll?


Submarine personally attacks Russ and others all the time on posts. Just from what I have seen. I do feel that since the forum is called rocky point talk it should be positive news about RP. And the comments should be positive too. Where is the love ya'll?
The real estate boosters hurt RP worse than the Narcos (or even the evil Sub) by not planning ahead on the border crossing issue. i run into more people that won't go down because they fear being unable to cross back on Sunday than i do that are afraid of crime. The housing bubble took away our mojo.So, rather than getting mad at the real estate community/banks that caused the problem and punish them we decided to crush the mexicans that provided the labor for building our over built,over priced,over crowed suburban hell .


Submarine personally attacks Russ and others all the time on posts. Just from what I have seen. I do feel that since the forum is called rocky point talk it should be positive news about RP. And the comments should be positive too. Where is the love ya'll?
I am sorry adcs, but your way of looking at things seems a little to naive, no matter where you go you are going to find good and evil and I rather know about both than play blind and think everything is hunky dory, I love RP but I do know it also has some bad things going on, just like anywhere else, the problem being, in my opinion, is that we tent to overly talk or stress about the bad things, we humans like sensationalism, I mean look at WWF it is all lies but half the world love to see it!!
I like to hear the bad as well as the good but enough is enough, how many thread have been open about this consulate warning?


Lovin it in RP!
Never got the name?
Pretty sure several names were thrown out there. No One so far has taken responsibility for the Wardens Message. It did not necessarily get created by the actual Warden so it will be hard until they decide that someone needs to fall on the sword (hopeful thoughts, not real just hopeful) as to the identity of the actual person who decided it must be written in that fashion against their own guidelines


Lovin it in RP!
Thanks, Russ, Is there many people down These last few days?

This is an interesting truth this is not cheerleading or pom pom waiving it is something I found out last night at a meeting . One of the reservation companies said she lost 13 rooms this weekend due to the news but that she picked up 11 new ones at the last minute so it was a small loss overall. She reports she is 95% full for memorial day weekend and that is awesome as it relates to the economic black ball that some in Arizona are pulling right now!


I am sorry adcs, but your way of looking at things seems a little to naive, no matter where you go you are going to find good and evil and I rather know about both than play blind and think everything is hunky dory, I love RP but I do know it also has some bad things going on, just like anywhere else, the problem being, in my opinion, is that we tent to overly talk or stress about the bad things, we humans like sensationalism, I mean look at WWF it is all lies but half the world love to see it!!
I like to hear the bad as well as the good but enough is enough, how many thread have been open about this consulate warning?
I would rather be naive than angry. I know there is good and evil everywhere.There does seem to be a little more evil lately, so instead of being negative I would rather be positive. I agree there is stuff that goes on in RP , but in my opinion there is no point in talking about it unless it involves hurting business in RP or the innocent people who live and travel to RP. Who else besides Submarine I mean Jerry has the time to write all the negative stuff.:-D


In my opinion, it is good to have both and be well informed, now do NOT confuse Sub and Jerry, they are two very different people with some similar opinions, they are not the same at all!! :eek3: