An EFFECTIVE response to the Warden's message



In my opinion, it is good to have both and be well informed, now do NOT confuse Sub and Jerry, they are two very different people with some similar opinions, they are not the same at all!! :eek3:
It's a joke in another thread.Just trying some of that thing they call humor.I forgot to say I do totally agree with you when you say how many threads have to be open about this consulate thing?


This is an interesting truth this is not cheerleading or pom pom waiving it is something I found out last night at a meeting . One of the reservation companies said she lost 13 rooms this weekend due to the news but that she picked up 11 new ones at the last minute so it was a small loss overall. She reports she is 95% full for memorial day weekend and that is awesome as it relates to the economic black ball that some in Arizona are pulling right now!

95% Wow! That's amazing, especially since U.S. hotel occupancy rates have hovered around 50% for quite a while now. Perhaps I should invest in PP! It must be true, otherwise Bob would be all up in your veracity and all that. But that's great news! I must ask though, if reservations are up and my single-handed campaign to lay waste to Rocky Point (I think that would look great on a resume btw) have failed so miserably, what is everyone all upset about?
Extra paperwork?


Submarine personally attacks Russ and others all the time on posts. Just from what I have seen. I do feel that since the forum is called rocky point talk it should be positive news about RP. And the comments should be positive too. Where is the love ya'll?
ADCS brings up a good point. I'm new to this forum & I instantly noticed lots of personal attacks going on & worse than that certain people w/ obvious bad intentions trying to do harm to RP's economy. And it seems to be totally accepted & permitted by some on this forum.

At the end of the day everyone on this forum are people who like going to or spending time in Rocky Point. So why on earth would someone want to harm RP's economy? The excuse I've heard of " were mad because RP has grown so much & all these condo resorts are here now & the middle class is gone & our favorite place to stay is not there any more"... FIRST off I go all up & down the coast in RP & there are still many RV's, trailer's , ( what one of the posters i guess refers to as middle class ), from the Reef to the Mirador area's , Yes not as many are there as their used to be but many are still there.

I also loved RP the way it was back in the late 80's & 90's. But come on guys....cities grow, people discover cool places & things change ( life happens ). RP has had drastic recent changes like many other cities have gone thru. The drastic economy swing has hit & affected every city. When life hands you lemons.....thats right make lemon aid...dont pick up the lemons & throw them at your neighbors face. MY POINT is bashing RP ( which is clearly, excesively, directly & in directly going on here ) IS TOTALLY UNECESSARY. ITS NOT GOING TO MAKE THINGS BETTER. IT WILL ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE.

Lets say some people on this forum are successful in scaring away much of the tourism from RP. WHAT GOOD IS THAT GOING TO DO? Well lets see, first it would put thousands of good RP locals out of work, the condos would still be there ther are not going anywhere, etc It wont solve anything...

I loved Phx more when it was smaller. Now its huge & all these houses have been built in the desert where I used to go Mt biking, etc....There is nothing I can do about it. I'm not going to start ongoingly broadcasting & exageratting negative info about Phx because whats done is done & I'll adapt.

Look were all adults here. Lets use this forum like adults. This is an information forum about RP NOT a place to achieve your agenda of hurting torism in RP. Im not saying that if something bad happens in RP that was CONFIRMED & TRUE to not disclose that info. NO...disclose it if you feel compeled to in a constructive way that could help someone. But their is a big big difference between relaying constructive helpfull factual information OR trying to accomplish ones destructive agenda towards RP.

STUART.....I agree completely w/ you, NO personal attacks..( but if thats the case please enforce it on everyone equally, there is clearly people on here that this rule doesnt seem to apply to )...Also a signature line on a forum board is used to describe the poster....It shouldnt be used as a repeating billboard for an angry person to achieve their goal of scareing away tourists from RP. By allowing forum members to get away w/ this sort of behavior you are basically throwing gasoline on a candle & causing arguments amoungst the forum members. I say we loose the agenda driven ridiculous signature lines or we can continue to look like a bunch of idiots fighting amoungst ourselves over a city we all love. Or if the agenga signature that bashes RP is allowed to stay then we can continue the bad blood & keep blasting back & fourth at eachother w/ our own signature billboards to counter the one bad apple that started it all.

WE COULD ALSO PUT THIS UP TO A VOTE that a signature line is meant to describe the poster not to trash Rocky Point. I would have to think that the majority of the people on this form would feel the same way I do.



Then Pete, it seems that you are frustrated with your signature because you are not telling it as you feel, if instead of "There are people on here who intentionally post... just put what you feel it seems you would like to say something to the effect "Submarine intentionally post...., as you say if it is a free forum why not!!, I am not defending anybody just say what you like in your signature and if it flies good for you!! the negativity you find is not going to go away by changing a signature, it is enbeded in that individuals persona and ultimately tells you about that individual personality, then you might get to know that person and realise WOW I guess I should not take people in forums seriously!!
Just my five cents!! :eek3:
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Since when is a private enterprise a democracy? Do you get to vote at work to fire your boss because you don't like his/her policies? No, you don't. I get sick and tired of hearing about free speech and how I, as a lowly moderator, have somehow infringed upon people's God-given and Constitutional rights!

Guess what? It's the INTERNET. The Internet is NOT a democracy, it's a vast collection of private enterprises and you have no "rights" to anything. I don't have to respect your rights, your feelings, your opinions, or anything else about you. I have every right to tell you if you don't like it here, then freakin' leave. Nobody is forcing you to click on this website. :evil:
Since when is a private enterprise a democracy? Do you get to vote at work to fire your boss because you don't like his/her policies? No, you don't. I get sick and tired of hearing about free speech and how I, as a lowly moderator, have somehow infringed upon people's God-given and Constitutional rights!

Guess what? It's the INTERNET. The Internet is NOT a democracy, it's a vast collection of private enterprises and you have no "rights" to anything. I don't have to respect your rights, your feelings, your opinions, or anything else about you. I have every right to tell you if you don't like it here, then freakin' leave. Nobody is forcing you to click on this website. :evil:


dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Actually I thought the recent posts have been pretty tame compared to some of the previous battles we had. Sadly I lost many fellow soldiers (the coops) to the online war over Rocky Point (both in this forum and the previous one).


Since when is a private enterprise a democracy? Do you get to vote at work to fire your boss because you don't like his/her policies? No, you don't. I get sick and tired of hearing about free speech and how I, as a lowly moderator, have somehow infringed upon people's God-given and Constitutional rights!

Guess what? It's the INTERNET. The Internet is NOT a democracy, it's a vast collection of private enterprises and you have no "rights" to anything. I don't have to respect your rights, your feelings, your opinions, or anything else about you. I have every right to tell you if you don't like it here, then freakin' leave. Nobody is forcing you to click on this website. :evil:

Thank you Stuart


Then Pete, it seems that you are frustrated with your signature because you are not telling it as you feel, if instead of "There are people on here who intentionally post... just put what you feel it seems you would like to say something to the effect "Submarine intentionally post...., as you say if it is a free forum why not!!, I am not defending anybody just say what you like in your signature and if it flies good for you!! the negativity you find is not going to go away by changing a signature, it is enbeded in that individuals persona and ultimately tells you about that individual personality, then you might get to know that person and realise WOW I guess I should not take people in forums seriously!!
Just my five cents!! :eek3:
The difference is, if Pete did that I wouldn't whine about it; but he can't because somebody whined about it and now we get to read neat red typed 'billboards'. Isn't change great?

Did we all miss 'sticks and stones' day in Kindergarten?


Actually I thought the recent posts have been pretty tame compared to some of the previous battles we had. Sadly I lost many fellow soldiers (the coops) to the online war over Rocky Point (both in this forum and the previous one).

....and we can all take a moment and remember them on Monday.

Or not.
....and we can all take a moment and remember them on Monday.

Or not.
Ok....come on now Sub....why don't you take a vacation to sounds like you really need one!!!! Or come down to Penasco in 2 weeks...I'll buy you a couple of drinks!!! You can even "caravan" down with me for your protection! :stir::rofl::cheers:


drink to the fallen pigeon coopers? Never!

Got too many skis to work on this weekend Joe, no vacation for me.

and you drive too slow
drink to the fallen pigeon coopers? Never!

Got too many skis to work on this weekend Joe, no vacation for me.

and you drive too slow
Not this weekend.....the weekend of the 19th.....

Who said anything about drinking to the pigeon coopers....let's drink to the "old days"!!!

Oh can be blocker....I'll just draft in behind you....


Since when is a private enterprise a democracy? Do you get to vote at work to fire your boss because you don't like his/her policies? No, you don't. I get sick and tired of hearing about free speech and how I, as a lowly moderator, have somehow infringed upon people's God-given and Constitutional rights!

Guess what? It's the INTERNET. The Internet is NOT a democracy, it's a vast collection of private enterprises and you have no "rights" to anything. I don't have to respect your rights, your feelings, your opinions, or anything else about you. I have every right to tell you if you don't like it here, then freakin' leave. Nobody is forcing you to click on this website. :evil:
Stuart....say no more......Ive got you pegged.... as long as it fits your agenda you will let it slide..

I'm new to this forum & I instantly noticed people w/ obvious bad intentions trying to do harm to RP's economy. And it seems to be totally accepted & permitted by some on this forum including you.

You say no personal attacks are permitted ( unless they are a friend of yours or they have your same agenda )...
You permit signature lines that are supposed to be used to describe the poster... as a place for a poster to repeatedly & ongoingly bash RP & freighten away tourists...( you must agree w/ Sub's destructive thought if you permit that )

Most OTHER forums are productive, help full & constructive & attract more & more members.

THE SAD FACT IS...This forum could have many more regular productive members. This forum is mostly ( not everyone ) comprised a small click of a handful of bitter pissed off regular posters who are upset that RP has grown in size. Its mainly being used by a limited amount of people posting over & over again & again. 90% of the actual posts under the threads are unrelated to RP & a complete waste of time. Most of the productive normal potential members do not stick around for obvious reasons. Bad moderation, negativity of posts, bitter angry people trying to hurt RP's economy, etc...

Check out other forums. You will see much more posting going on by a far greater range & number of posters. Here the forum moderator is excited that a thread got 200 replies. To bad 95% of the 200 replies accomplish & cover nothing.

TO THE PRODUCTIVE RP LOVERS ON THIS FORUM.....keep up the good work promoting & making RP a better place & since the so called moderator of this forum allows signature lines to be used as a place to advertise your agenda then copy my signature or make your own to expose the people on here that want to destroy tourism in RP...

TO THE ANGRY BITTER PEOPLE THAT WANT TO HURT RP TOURISM.....stay angry bitter & pissed off , be miserable, continue to be un productive & continue to let your so called friends try to harm torism in RP......what a great way to spend your life. You must be so proud of your amazing life accomplishments.

I will be having fun fishing, hanging out on RP's great beaches, promoting RP & posting here regulary so my red billboard signature warns any normal person that stumbles across this forum about the RP haters on this site.......


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
<sigh> Take a hike Pete. I've tried to be patient with you. As I told you and you still don't seem to get it, we are a dysfunctional family here, but we're a family.