Even More Ridiculous...


Yea don't lump me in with that greedy evil business owner Rob! Golf sure when I get my check from the "breast" aka "tit" the end of the month I'll be there. Rob will need to put in a few more hours to pay his taxes so he should be working.
That is ok Dan I will keep working to keep the "TIT" full but I hope I am sure glad I get all those tax credits for owning all the properties in Mexico seem the govt considers foreign property as a tax write off. Just hope My 6 figure accountant can figure out how to write off that new plane and pilot. I sure hope there is someone to feed the TIT for when I get to your age. LOL Maybe some time I will learn how to play golf...


GV Jack You are the funniest old turd! i thought Ed McMahon was dead?
Mr. Moore, as I'm sure you see as i do there are a lot of areas Progressives and Libertarians can agree....getting out of this mess isn't one of them. In a world where China exists as a wild card the money men don't have an interest in playing fair.We are dealing with an international criminal conspiratorial plot and you worry about me buying Mad Dog with my food Stamps!!!!
Wow, I couldn't have said that better, Robert. Basically because I couldn't have said it at all.

I have no idea what the heck you guys are talking about other than stealing lunch. Also, I have more important things to beg for.

Actually, I'm a little ticked at Jerry because I think he said something about a small tool or something like that.

I already put in my two cents so I'm gonna sit back and watch the battle of the intellects. I do prefer your authors for what it's worth.


i loved this <WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP><WASH MY MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP> Thread!...Now i have to sign off to read my Ron Paul propoganda from my man Moore while eating a Steak and drink a beer i shop lifted from Safeway in honor of a certain plucky 15 year old girl we all know and love!!!!!


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Now i have to sign off to read my Ron Paul propoganda from my man Moore
Sounds good :wink:

Meanwhile, I'll go read something about the "Prince of Kenya's" next latest and greatest plan to break the backs of the evil criminal international banker cabal... Oh wait, that's right- his teleprompter never mentions anything about fiscal policy unless it involves inventing more US dollars (and therefore more US inflation) to fund companies that end up going bankrupt 8 months later (Google "Solyndra"), or using it to try and smuggle weapons across the border into the hands of dangerous men so he can pin it on the war-mongers and use it as leverage in his attack on the 2nd Amendment. (Ggogle: operation fast and furious)

But, I'm sure when he actually gets around to taking on the evil global New World Order banking families he'll be victorious.

Oh, that's right- George Soros (the zionist Billionaire who admitted to aiding the Nazi's by ratting out his Jewish Hungarian neighbors, and actually claimed the experience was "exhilarating") is one of Obama's key global economic advisors.

So, the Kenyan with the Indonesian education is going to work with the self-conflicted Hungarian Jew to bring fairness back to global markets... Yeah, that oughta work.

I can hardly wait for Utopia to arrive.



Not sure where this guy is coming from but I gave him the following shot "Posted by corvid on 10/25/11 11:33 AM
Somehow I suspect all you guys that write for this blog sell gold or survival food to the rubes. Oh and lose the sweater vest Tony... it makes you look like a Gypsy King"

I warned you all 3 days ago.... Alice in Wonderland. :)

The Red Queen was not who she said she was (ever wonder why Lewis Carrol called her the "Red" Queen? Coincidence? :) )

Anyway - Here is an article I read that I think does a great job of describing what is going on in the world.


Just like the printing press made information more available to the masses and ushered in the end of the dark ages and brought about the Renaissance, so too today the Internet is making information even MORE readily available to the world... bringing with it similar pains and controversies as some try to cling to the "normalities" that they knew before, while others try to use the technology to gain unfair influence.

Jimmy Buffet baby... changes in latitude, changes in attitude. Nothing feels quite the same. The man's a genius.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Not sure where this guy is coming from but I gave him the following shot "Posted by corvid on 10/25/11 11:33 AM
Somehow I suspect all you guys that write for this blog sell gold or survival food to the rubes. Oh and lose the sweater vest Tony... it makes you look like a Gypsy King"
Well, I can't say I understand how fashion sense is related to understanding global economic and societal trends... but the Dailybell is really more about trend analysis and societal themes (and memes). Modern Progressivism is just another meme they explore.

I mean, since when do matters of personal taste (like sweater vests or condos versus houses) justify self-righteousness...? I guess that's why if I had to pick a politcal label for myself I have to use Libertarian. I simply don't CARE what people wear, or how they choose to live their lives- just so long as they grant me the same privilege. I do enjoy reading/hearing what people think - I would think that should be fairly obvious by how much time I've put into this discussion.

When you bag on Ron Paul in one breath, and then you bag on the criminal global bankers in another, Do you not realize that Ron Paul is the candidate who MOST agrees with you about the unbalanced influence the bankers have on society? But I digress... I'm not here to push the Ron Paul campaign- if the election were held today I'd probably vote for Herman Cain- only because I've seen what a Black President who is clueless about business can do- I'd love to see what a Black President who has actually accomplished something in his life could do... Not that I even care whether a candidate is black or not, but I do know that other people seem to care, so it would be interesting to see how that would go...

My only rub against the progressive mindset Jerry is the elitism factor. I see it from your man in the WH when he blames everyone else for the fact that none of his "plans" are having the intended effects, and I see it from the progressive "this time it's different" Economists (like Krugman, Roubini, et al) when they declare that the best way out of a global debt crisis is to fire up the printing presses and create more debt (or, to fire up the war machine- a seemingly complete contradiction to the whole premise of progressivism. Peace from the barrel of a gun? Didn't Lyndon Johnson teach this country anything about how impossible that is?)

If an idea is really sound in the minds of everyone, then it will stand on its own merit- it will not require the elitist mantra and all the associated demagoguery...

If the Progressives were accurate in their assessments of society, then their ideas would be working, yes? To declare that "We have all the answers, but you small minded little people are to obtuse to recognize our intellectual and emotional superiority" is a cop-out... as is the whole "We inherited your mess, and now we're trying to fix it and you are getting in our way".... BAH.

The only things Obama inherited were the Patriot Act, GWB's two wars and a ton of debt- and his actions ever since have been to expand Homeland Security into the monstrosity it is today (which was the original topic of this thread if I remember correctly :) ), and also to take the wars on the road to Libya (and seemingly to Iran eventually), and to take what was once only monumental debt and turn it into catastrophic debt; and along the way he passed a socialist healthcare plan that will probably go down as the most unpopular US legislation in history (a HUGE feat considering what a massive abomination the Patriot Act was/is).

I'm no dummy, but even if I WAS a dummy, I'd still be able to see that "Hope and Change" in theory has yielded "unemployment, anxiety, and apprehension" in practice.... and I'd be getting pretty tired of the elitists saying "Trust us- we know what will work better than you do, so we're going to rob from Peter, and pay Paul (for doing nothing)"

With that, I'm drifting right back to post #27 on page 3 of this thread... leeches are bad for productive society, and the only thing worse than a leech is a leech who desperately thinks that his host can not survive without him.

The leeches have got to go.

Ok now I'm repeating myself... so with that I will sign off, and will graciously extend "the last word" to whomever wants it (unless they ask a question- I can't stop myself from responding to questions :) )




Herman Cain.....really......hey he wants to let the bankers do it to us again.......
Well, I can't say I understand how fashion sense is related to understanding global economic and societal trends... but the Dailybell is really more about trend analysis and societal themes (and memes). Modern Progressivism is just another meme they explore.


Stay Thirsty My Friends

So how are you today Robert?

I'm doing good... aside from the fact that I am blah-blah-blah' ing in this forum when I should be getting some work done.... :) If I don't dig out from under this pile my boat may never see the Sea of Cortez again. :(

But I guess having too much to do (and getting paid for it) is better than the alternative.

How are you Roberto?

Kenny, GREAT video!


Robert Sez: How are you Roberto?

Hot and tired. I was up all night looking for that tit you guys keep talking about. Now I'm broke too !!

GV Jack

Snorin God
Roberto...You just gotta find the goose that laid the golden you know what or else you'll be sucking on the hind you know what.


This from an article about one of the Tea Party guys wanting to form a super pac:

This argument builds on the Supreme Court's 2010 ruling in Citizens United v. FEC that contributions to independent groups making independent electoral expenditures do not create the appearance of corruption and, therefore, cannot be restricted by the government

So it's ok if it is corrupt but does not create the appearance of corruption. jThat would be especially if you are a Tea Partier. Appearance is everything.
This article seemed relevant to the discussion at the beginning of the thread re: the X-Ray machines going IN to Mexico.

"In '07 operation, it pressed informant to get firearms south, beyond scrutiny
Files: ATF knew gun sales were a problem"


A couple of quotes:

In his journal, Detty repeatedly urged the buyers - young Tucson men with connections in Caborca, Sonora, Tijuana or Sinaloa - to move the guns across the border fast.
Gwinn told agents in Tucson that they should delay him until his cases were through the courts. Detty didn't like that and declined to do any more work for the prosecution, saying in an angry May 22 email, "I'd be happy to give that (informant pay) money back if you'd just leave me alone. Would you take $16,000 to have cartel (low-lifes) in your living room?"
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GV Jack

Snorin God
Gringo...You gonna hijack this thread back to its original subject. How rude. It was kinda slowing down though.:deadhorse:


Stay Thirsty My Friends
So it's ok if it is corrupt but does not create the appearance of corruption. That would be especially if you are a Tea Partier. Appearance is everything.

Haha, except maybe for those pesky, sweater vest wearing Libertarians at the dailybell, right Jerry? :cool:

I personally think party affiliation is irrelevant- corruption is endemic to politics in general. Anyone who claims they represent the Tea Party, and yet they are trying to form an organized Super PAC are showing that they are still cogs in the political machine.

Real change will begin when people realize that the political machine never delivers what it promises. Maybe then they will grow bored with feeding it energy (and money)...

I don't care about party politics, or Tea Parties, or #OWS, etc, but I do care about the fact that there are people out there who are not having a good time, and the political machine is trying to gain their support by promising them everything that the political machine can not deliver.