First Annual Rocky Point FUN RUN

The new website has been uploaded... I will be making many updates in the next few days... take a look... but most of all come down for the FUN RUN Motorcycle Rally... May 5 through 9, 2010 and have some fun and spend some money...

Our local business sponsors will be donating a percentage of their proceeds from the event to Rick Busa's "YOUTH SPORTS FOUNDATION" and the "ADOPT-A-CLASSROOM of Puerto Penasco" the more you spend the more the children of Rocky Point will benefit...

Check it out--->
Hey Mark, I'm heading over there right now to check out the website. I saw your email and will be writing a bit for you tonight. I'm really excited about the will! How many of you are coming down?
Thanks Rosie... I'll be watching for it... but take your time, I need a day off to visit with some friends that are here and a couple of others that are on their way down... I'll be happy to have some fun discriptive content for the Home page...


Which Pemex?

Looks good, but you might want to check the description of the embarcation point for te El Golfo run. There are several Pemex satations on Benito Juarez !!
Thanks Roberto... I will be correcting and adding content soon... but just for clarifacation it is the first Pemex as you enter Penasco... it's hard for me to discribe which one, seeing how the farthest I've been out of town in the last few years is to Samuel Ocana Garcia... I try not to stray to far from the water...


the fun run in May also sounds like a blast..Ill be there w/ friends....advertise it also on Face Book etc.....The word needs to get out...We had a great time at the november rally.......Thx Eric
Sounds great Eric... it will be put up on Facebook...

and there is one thing I failed to mention in my last post... this goes out to all... I need a couple of photos and (your permission to use them) of the bikes on the malecon, mirador and calle 13 during the Rally... so if anyone has some can you post them here so I can look through and pick???

Muchas Gracias...
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This is such perfect timing Mark! We'll be down that weekend and now we'll have lots more to do....................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course, we'll be bringing some school supplies.
Cool... Thanks Julie... we are planning tons of fun... I hope everyone that visits the forum can make it down... we would love to see you all, and meet some more new friends...

Thanks Chuck....


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Hmmmm... 8th and 9th of May is the same weekend as the Grouper Tournament. I'll likely be down for that.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
We should make this open to all vehicles. You really need to have a Jeep section. Hint Hint! LOL! Seriously, Jeeps, Sand rails, even the Razors and Quads. Just keep em separated so the Jeeps don't run over the quads.


That's exactly why we called it the FUN RUN and not another bike rally. The idea is that anyone can bring anything to have a good time. If you have a group of people who want to bring Jeeps down, let me know and we will try to set up some activities.


El Pirata
Yea can we make it a "Dog Run" too...We will be there..Thanks for your your hard work to get this event going Mark.
Playa mi amigo... thanks for the "kudos" but Jim along with Cathi at the THE THIRSTY PARROT and a lot of other businesses in town are the people who got this all going...

I owe them all an ocean of gratitude for including the Adopt-A-Classroom as one of the charities that will benefit from the event... to recipricate I agreed to do updates to the website... and to PitiquitoRosy for her help with the website... and everyone coming down can help by visiting the (click--> SPONSORS <--here) of the event... and spend... spend... spend...

Also... I wanted to add this has been a wonderful month so far, we met Mentiras y Traición (Sheryl) and want to thank her and her sister Linda La Pequena Hermana who donated a ton of School uniform shirts and school supplies... and our good friend Heidi who brought down rice beans and took us out shopping for food to donate to the food distribution at "Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida"

But it doesn't end there... while out last night with Chuck azbeachboy and a couple other friends we ran into fasteddy at Changos and once again Eddie gave me a very generous cash donation and told me to get something for the kids... Thank You Eddie, what great timing... I just got a message from trade yesterday, informing me about a "kiddie fiesta" on the 24th at the "Esperanza Para Nuevo Vida" so Harold, I'll be talking with you real soon...

and finally, this has been said before in another post to "do it every time" if you are coming down and want to help out bring along a couple cans of tuna, peanut butter, rice and pinto beans, it all will be greatly appreciated...