It's dead here.

Next two weeks will tell wher it is at. I wish for the best. I am going to go down for the week of the 10th til the 18th. My favorite time. Watching baseball playoffs every night at a beach cantina while watching the sunsets. I hope that there will be some folks down there to talk baseball and drink a beer with.


My friends went to Manny's last weekend for happy hour and the place was empty.
I have heard a lot of places have closed, havent been there for a while, can you give a run down on what places are not in business in town anymore,
I have heard churros and burros (both locations)
Hacienda las fuentes??
Thank our fisherman friends for blocking tourist access for a while yesterday! Let's throw one more hassle in the mix to persuade people to never come back!


It's tough but not critical. We had 200+ tonght but it ended early. It's 1:40 and I'm already home. The fisherman thing only lasted for a couple hours. It happens once in awhile. Nothing new and no big deal. The weather is perfect and everyone that I talked to was having a great time. Met some forum members and email contacts that I hadn't seen in person. One lady (brave soul) came in completely nude. She got a bunch of beads. (Thanks Chuck). Tomorrow is another day.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
One lady (brave soul) came in completely nude.
Ewwwww. Remind me not to eat at your place!

Well, that's one of those "it depends" things I suppose. If she was young, good looking and had a great body, I suppose I wouldn't be offended at all. If she was typical of many of the biker chicks I've seen, I'd be asking her to please put her clothes back on!

Chuck... always the gentlemen, trying to clothe her in beads!
