Liberty Cove/Coastal Highway update


Well sort of. This came to me from one of the sales dudes who was trying to sell me some type of "Green Stuff" investment opportunity.Man they are in trouble if they are counting on me!

As you may recall, I represented Liberty Cove Mexico for a few years. Since I always put my money where my mouth is, I invested $100,000 of my own funds right alongside of my investors. While I’ve not been with the project for over a year now, I continue to follow it from the outside. The project is alive and moving forward, and most recent news that 1) the $15 million coast highway is now 70% completed across the Liberty Cove property, with paving being done this month at the main entrance. And that 2) CEO Craig Ricketts has recently returned from New York, where based upon the Mexican government’s current initiatives, he was able to receive commitments from two private sources totaling approx. $25 million.


Wow they are borrowing a whole 25 million dollars! I think the battleship has been sunk but no one wants to tell the investors.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Good for your investment; bad for the environment and the native Seri. Still planning on the Monaco-style Grand Prix race track? And the huge marina? From what I recall of the early Liberty Cove advertisements (yeah, the "poster in the trailer" only on the Internet these days), this whole project was so way out of scale and far-fetched it was hard to imagine it ever becoming a reality.
You never know about things. As a boy I remember the bay area in Newport Beach california from the highway bridge back, was a swamp. Now a multi billion area.


Coastal Hwy

Can anyone give me precise directions to PP from Los Angeles via the new Coastal Hwy? Google Maps doesn't seem to be updated, and I can't seem to find it anywhere else online.




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For Yuma-area residents looking for relaxation by the ocean, the community of El Golfo about 90 miles south of here in Mexico is a popular destination, so the recent opening of a shorter route to get there is welcome news.

Now, however, some concern is being raised about the new shortcut to the fishing community located at the northern edge of the Sea of Cortez because it involves a toll highway. Residents and merchants in El Golfo feel the toll - equivalent to about $7 in U.S. currency - is too high and will discourage visitors from coming down.

They are demanding that the state of Sonora reduce the toll for the highway, which begins south of San Luis Rio Colorado, Son., and goes south to El Golfo then on the Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco). Supporters of the lower toll are apparently ready to blockade the road in a protest if necessary.

We would be more understanding of this dispute if the only option was to pay the toll, but that is not the case.

Drivers have a choice. They can pay to use the new road which provides a much improved roadway and cuts about a half hour off the trip, or they can use the existing public highway that takes longer and is less improved.

Roadways are not free. When Mexican officials decided to provide a more convenient road to El Golfo they chose to make the users of the road - probably many of them from the United States - pay for the convenience. After all, Mexican taxpayers are already paying to maintain one public road to El Golfo.

But there is a way to avoid paying anything at all - just use the old route.
In the end, it will be up to the drivers to decide whether they value convenience or money. That's often the choice with toll roads.
Straight down the 5 to the 8 to Gila Bend to Ajo to Gringo Pass to R.P. ( The best so far, from Temecula)
We tried the "Coastal" from Yuma and the roads were real bad for quite a while.
Granted, this was 1 1/2 years ago. But some BIG holes so just be careful!
We took the new toll road this week end and it was perfect. Very fast. Starts about three miles east of San Luis crossing on HWY 2. Took it both ways. Much better/faster heading to Rocky Point. The toll road drops you just ahead of the federal check point.
Jerry, is the road totally done to libertad? Leigh
Leigh... when Rick and I went freediving in front of your place, we headed that way, we didn't go all the way to libertad because Ricks gas guage doesn't work and we weren't sure how much further we could go but we were over 15 miles from your place and there was a lot of beautiful new smooth road...
cool, I knew they were still going I was just wondering if they finally arrived, Hey I'll be down for thanksgiving if anyone wants to stop down , Leigh


Leigh... when Rick and I went freediving in front of your place, we headed that way, we didn't go all the way to libertad because Ricks gas guage doesn't work and we weren't sure how much further we could go but we were over 15 miles from your place and there was a lot of beautiful new smooth road...
Damn, same thing with my gas gage or i would have kept going on the gravel after the pavement ended..15 mile mark

You can always buy gas at the main store on the beach in Lobos . It cost about 10 pesos/ liter, but you can still get it. Leigh
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Liberty Cove

This is to Jerry, can you still talk about this project - Liberty Cove? Just interested. If you can, send me a message.