Problems on the U.S. Side


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Have you all ever given it a thought that if you do not answer their questions all you are doing is upsetting them that much more and think about this what if some one plants drugs while removing things and inspecting your car now you really get in trouble not us we would not give them any lip back



I fought the law and the law won.
Have you all ever given it a thought that if you do not answer their questions all you are doing is upsetting them that much more and think about this what if some one plants drugs while removing things and inspecting your car now you really get in trouble not us we would not give them any lip back

I think the pigs are counting on that. And so, with people refusing to assert their rights, the police state goose-stpes merrily on.


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I do not think the term pigs is a proper word to use when refering to the people that are there to protect you me and any one else that are leaving and reentering this country they are doing what they are doing because of all of the drugs guns and all of the other contraband that enters and leaves this country along with the illegals that enter
if all you people get upset because of the way you are being treated then why put yourself in that situation if that was the way we felt then we would never go to rocky point and in fact after viewing the different discussions here we may never go there either and would advise any one to refrain from traveling to rocky point one has to wonder if the hassle that you all speak of is worth the visit to rocky point


Terry C

We always accommodate the questions. What’s the big deal? They have your passport info. And I think you are a subject of further questioning on your next trip if you smart off.. Maybe tag your name? They have a job and they are trained to ask questions. If you smart off, tag your it….


I fought the law and the law won.
I refer to them as "pigs" because honest people with a decent heart would never cage someone for having 4 empty beer bottles in the back of their truck. Or for having some plant matter on them. Or for just wanting to travel freely in a country that prides itself on being "the home of the free and land of the brave". Good people would be repulsed by such actions and refuse to take part. Peaceful people should not be treated like animals, period. As for smuggling drugs and guns, I happen to believe a person has a right to both those things. And what exactly is the purpose of the 4th amendment anyway if they can just stop you willy-nilly at a checkpoint inside the country and claim some dog smelled drugs and rip your car apart? As to asserting one's rights at the border, if everyone did it they would just have to stop being jackboots because they can't tag everyone and expect that things won't grind to an absolute stop.

I understand why people go along to get along, but that mindset in the American people has created the police-state we have now. It will take a whole lot of non-cooperation and civil disobedience to regain the "land of the free".

Anyway, I'm off my soapbox now. Like I said, I understand that people who want to travel back and forth have a decision to make. I am a little more forgiving of the CPB at the border, but have no time for the illegal checkpoints set up inside the US. Hell, you can't go from Phoenix to San Diego without dealing with one of those damn things.


DMAC right on but don't waste your breath...the forum Fox News listeners only can count to two amendment wise..the rest are a democrat party plot

I refer to them as "pigs" because honest people with a decent heart would never cage someone for having 4 empty beer bottles in the back of their truck. Or for having some plant matter on them. Or for just wanting to travel freely in a country that prides itself on being "the home of the free and land of the brave". Good people would be repulsed by such actions and refuse to take part. Peaceful people should not be treated like animals, period. As for smuggling drugs and guns, I happen to believe a person has a right to both those things. And what exactly is the purpose of the 4th amendment anyway if they can just stop you willy-nilly at a checkpoint inside the country and claim some dog smelled drugs and rip your car apart? As to asserting one's rights at the border, if everyone did it they would just have to stop being jackboots because they can't tag everyone and expect that things won't grind to an absolute stop.

I understand why people go along to get along, but that mindset in the American people has created the police-state we have now. It will take a whole lot of non-cooperation and civil disobedience to regain the "land of the free".

Anyway, I'm off my soapbox now. Like I said, I understand that people who want to travel back and forth have a decision to make. I am a little more forgiving of the CPB at the border, but have no time for the illegal checkpoints set up inside the US. Hell, you can't go from Phoenix to San Diego without dealing with one of those damn things.


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I refer to them as "pigs" because honest people with a decent heart would never cage someone for having 4 empty beer bottles in the back of their truck. Or for having some plant matter on them. Or for just wanting to travel freely in a country that prides itself on being "the home of the free and land of the brave". Good people would be repulsed by such actions and refuse to take part. Peaceful people should not be treated like animals, period. As for smuggling drugs and guns, I happen to believe a person has a right to both those things. And what exactly is the purpose of the 4th amendment anyway if they can just stop you willy-nilly at a checkpoint inside the country and claim some dog smelled drugs and rip your car apart? As to asserting one's rights at the border, if everyone did it they would just have to stop being jackboots because they can't tag everyone and expect that things won't grind to an absolute stop.

I understand why people go along to get along, but that mindset in the American people has created the police-state we have now. It will take a whole lot of non-cooperation and civil disobedience to regain the "land of the free".

Anyway, I'm off my soapbox now. Like I said, I understand that people who want to travel back and forth have a decision to make. I am a little more forgiving of the CPB at the border, but have no time for the illegal checkpoints set up inside the US. Hell, you can't go from Phoenix to San Diego without dealing with one of those damn things.
It is quite obvious that you live in a fantasy that only you and your sympathizers believe we have traveled extensively and have never had a bad encounter with the police if we are stopped we simply are polite if we deserve a citation we take it and we are on our way we don't call him a pig which we believe you wouldn't dare do in person you just talk but that is your right so you if you go around with drugs or carry firearms illegally that is fine you suffer the consequences if you believe as your post indicates then it is no mystery as to why you find yourself in predicaments and in trouble with the law the law is the law and law abiding law respecting citizens have no problems as they walk thru life you if you continue to exist in your world of fantasys will one day wake up and say and wounder what happened


I fought the law and the law won.
It is quite obvious that you live in a fantasy that only you and your sympathizers believe we have traveled extensively and have never had a bad encounter with the police if we are stopped we simply are polite if we deserve a citation we take it and we are on our way we don't call him a pig which we believe you wouldn't dare do in person you just talk but that is your right so you if you go around with drugs or carry firearms illegally that is fine you suffer the consequences if you believe as your post indicates then it is no mystery as to why you find yourself in predicaments and in trouble with the law the law is the law and law abiding law respecting citizens have no problems as they walk thru life you if you continue to exist in your world of fantasys will one day wake up and say and wounder what happened
No I don't pick fights with violent people who have firearms and pretty much a carte blanche to kill whoever they want. However, they are pigs and if they don't realize it, hopefully they'll have an epiphany someday and try to endeavor to do something productive with their lives. I actually don't say a whole lot when I deal with the pigs. I generally exercise my Fifth Amendment rights. Nothing good comes out of talking to the pigs.


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No I don't pick fights with violent people who have firearms and pretty much a carte blanche to kill whoever they want. However, they are pigs and if they don't realize it, hopefully they'll have an epiphany someday and try to endeavor to do something productive with their lives. I actually don't say a whole lot when I deal with the pigs. I generally exercise my Fifth Amendment rights. Nothing good comes out of talking to the pigs.
The prisons here in NM as well as thru out the states are crowded with individuals that speak as you do that one day found themselves in a position that they had to shall we say back their talk up with as you say the pigs I wish you well as you continue your journey it has the appearances that it will be very troublesome and full of obstacles that you will not be able to suppress and overcome and will find yourself being controlled by the very ones as you call them the pigs and that as per your posts will find it impossible to bare that cross



I fought the law and the law won.
The prisons here in NM as well as thru out the states are crowded with individuals that speak as you do that one day found themselves in a position that they had to shall we say back their talk up with as you say the pigs I wish you well as you continue your journey it has the appearances that it will be very troublesome and full of obstacles that you will not be able to suppress and overcome and will find yourself being controlled by the very ones as you call them the pigs and that as per your posts will find it impossible to bare that cross

The prisons in this country are generally filled with peaceful people who did nothing more than possess something the hypocritical politicians think that they have the power and right to prevent them from having. A good number of others have been railroaded by the pigs and end up there. The only way to really protect yourself and others when it comes to the pigs is to video tape them whenever you encounter them. Video evidence has been used to keep innocent people out of prison and also to help hold to account those pigs who initiated undue violence on other people.

Most people who have fought for civil rights in this country ended up in jail. It's the price that people who really value freedom sometimes have to pay.
Now Jerry....quit :stir:.....we all know you're a rat fink pinko commie liberal...but even you're not that "off the wall"!!!!

Silvia...please...I want to read your posts...but use some know, like a period when you end a sentence or eyes and brain are hurting from trying to decipher what you're trying to say! If you read some of the posts on here, you'll find that some of the regulars have some off the wall ideas....or post just to stir things up (like me sometimes)......but not visiting Puerto Penasco because you read some off the wall posts is as ridiculous as some of the stuff DMAC is touting! Look at some of the other threads on the forum with the people reporting enjoying themselves during recent visits, and all the great photos being posted! sound like you're stuck back in the 70's and 80's (or is it 60's and 70's).... pigs, police state.....really????.....if you have problems with what is going on at border checkpoints, don't take it out on the shmucks who have to man them....try sitting out there and having to ask the same stupid questions, wearing body armor in the sun and heat....and having idiots mouth off to would you react? I'm sure you would continue to be pleasant and have a smile on your face. Take it up with the head of Homeland Security, your congressional reps and Jerry's "man" Obama! And your comment "As for smuggling drugs and guns, I happen to believe a person has a right to both those things"....REALLY? Then get the laws changed. Same thing with the open container law.....
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I fought the law and the law won. sound like you're stuck back in the 70's and 80's (or is it 60's and 70's).... pigs, police state.....really????.....if you have problems with what is going on at border checkpoints, don't take it out on the shmucks who have to man them....try sitting out there and having to ask the same stupid questions, wearing body armor in the sun and heat....and having idiots mouth off to would you react? I'm sure you would continue to be pleasant and have a smile on your face. Take it up with the head of Homeland Security, your congressional reps and Jerry's "man" Obama! And your comment "As for smuggling drugs and guns, I happen to believe a person has a right to both those things"....REALLY? Then get the laws changed. Same thing with the open container law.....
Respectfully Joe, the people back in the 60's had better awareness than we have now. Years of police and military fetishism has led to people believing that the cops are good guys, that wars are necessary, that force is the preferred way of solving every problem.... I could go on but look at the message in the 60s vs the message of today and tell me as a society we have not devolved.

As for those schmucks out there, if they had some respect for their fellow humans and some self-respect themselves, they would refuse to engage in such counter productive activity. I take a rather biblical view of tax collectors and police (which is kinda funny because I'm an atheist) and think that these people should be treated as untouchables because what they do should be viewed as anti-social. I don't mouth off to them, I just assert my rights as a US citizen. I refuse to co-operate and that is my right. As for drugs and checkpoints, what good does it do to change the law when the government does not care about the law? You want to point to me where in the US Constitution it grants the feds the power to outlaw drugs or enforce those laws? The checkpoints seem to violate the 4th Amendment and the USSC seems not to care. Sure, changing laws would be nice, but often the government does not care. Voters here in AZ voted 3 times to legalize medical cannabis and were thwarted by the state government at every step along the way. Now that the voters have finally cornered the state government, the feds are stepping in to thwart the will of the people. You seem to be under the illusion that your vote matters, that we have an honest democracy here in the US and that the laws that have been passed in this country have been done so with the consent of the governed. That's a crazy idea my friend, and I do say that respectfully.
The prisons here in NM as well as thru out the states are crowded with individuals that speak as you do that one day found themselves in a position that they had to shall we say back their talk up with as you say the pigs I wish you well as you continue your journey it has the appearances that it will be very troublesome and full of obstacles that you will not be able to suppress and overcome and will find yourself being controlled by the very ones as you call them the pigs and that as per your posts will find it impossible to bare that cross

WTF ??


I fought the law and the law won.
Oh and the discussion of changing laws reminds me of a quote by HL Mencken, which I'll have to paraphrase a bit:

Democracy is the process by which the voters get what they want, good and hard.
I'm sorry to say DMAC...that if I felt the way you do about the state of this country....the vote...I'd either go out and shoot myself...or find another country to live in!

Ok...enlighten me..."biblical view" of police????? I must have missed that chapter....


I fought the law and the law won.
I'm sorry to say DMAC...that if I felt the way you do about the state of this country....the vote...I'd either go out and shoot myself...or find another country to live in!

Ok...enlighten me..."biblical view" of police????? I must have missed that chapter....
I'm patiently waiting for the time I can escape this country. I don't have much hope for it, sad to say.

As for the biblical view of the police, generally speaking the "police" of the New Testament were both Romans and Jews cooperating with the Romans and those were the guys who rounded up Jesus and nailed him to a cross. They were just doing their job too. Schmucks just doing their job by caging and killing peaceful people is as old as time itself sad to say.
The prisons here in NM as well as thru out the states are crowded with individuals that speak as you do that one day found themselves in a position that they had to shall we say back their talk up with as you say the pigs I wish you well as you continue your journey it has the appearances that it will be very troublesome and full of obstacles that you will not be able to suppress and overcome and will find yourself being controlled by the very ones as you call them the pigs and that as per your posts will find it impossible to bare that cross

Let me start by saying that I haven't referred to police as pigs since 1970. When I read your comment about the crowded prisons, that little counter-culture rebel that still inhabits a little corner of my psyche, screamed "Those prisons would be less crowded if the pigs weren't so power-mad, trigger-happy and quick to make an arrest...any arrest".

Aside from that, Silvia, it's too bad you've decided Rocky Point isn't for you, but something about the reasons for your decision don't ring quite true. Almost as if you really weren't gonna come down anyway. Perhaps you have a little extra time on your hands and just wanted to interact on the forum?
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