Rancher killed near Douglas in Eastern Arizona


Its a very sad situation down there

and there's no end in sight. I heard these people are streaming over here in the thousands just because they may get amnesty if they're already here and the gov passes it. Add that to the fact that the drug runners are getting bolder and meaner and we've got a mess on our hands. I certainly wouldn't want to be living anywhere near that border, no one is safe. Its really unfortunate that Bob didn't get a chance to shoot the person but then on the downside, the way the laws are he probably would have been proscecuted for it if he had. Things need to change somehow, someway.


Our family friend is a large ranch owner down by Douglas who has dealt with illegals coming on his property for decades, cutting fences, killing cattle etc. Last year he had to defend himself on a 32
million dollar lawsuit. He was charged with assault and violating their civil rights. He held them until the border patrol could pick them up. They were trespassing and illegal. What civil rights?

He kicked one over with his foot and was charged with assault. I am sure you all have seen his story. I am glad he didn't get killed.

I own in RP and love it and feel okay going down. It is important to be aware of other areas and what is going on. It is not the same.

I do remember this story and it made me sick that he had to go through so much crap because of it! In fact, when I heard about this rancher's murder....I wondered if it was this guy (your relative).


bring our guys back from Iraq, and post them 100 yards into USA territory, and 150 yards apart along the border, 4 hour shifts, with orders to shoot to kill any one that comes into the USofA. Problem solved
I don't think I would leave the States if we could take a vacation along the border and start plinkin off border jumpers like I do ground squirrels in Oregon. Your right.. that would solve the problem right there. Heck that would even increase tourism in AZ and bordering states.


will know you when they see ya.

Welcome to the forum, and how lucky that you two have found each other in such a short period of time. Seems to me that both of you could be "natural born killers". How exciting is that! Tell me, you don't actually plan on going into Mexico do you? You do! How about a picture then, so your new friends will know you when they see ya.

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Welcome to the forum, and how lucky that you two have found each other in such a short period of time. Seems to me that both of you could be "natural born killers". How exciting is that! Tell me, you don't actually plan on going into Mexico do you? You do! How about a picture then, so your new friends will know you when they see ya.

Trust me Kenny, no one needs a picture of this fool. We'll know him by the way his beady little eyes dart around in the fear that immigrants might be darting out at him from every corner trying to take what measly little he has amassed. Or possibly by the swagger meant to convince people that he isn't just another loser needing to blame those less fortunate than himself for his own inadequacies. And if those don't work, we'll smell the stench of hatred and violence. This type does all but carry a neon sign around announcing his need to be made miserable.

It's enough to make even me believe in target practice after all...


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
The stench of hatred........Well said Rosy! Where's the humanity? I keep asking these people where it says in the Bible that charity depends on where you were born but I just keep getting yelled at and called nasty names. Now that's Christian behavior for you! :confused::sad::eek3::fail:

I've got my flame suit on..........
The stench of hatred........Well said Rosy! Where's the humanity? I keep asking these people where it says in the Bible that charity depends on where you were born but I just keep getting yelled at and called nasty names. Now that's Christian behavior for you! :confused::sad::eek3::fail:

I've got my flame suit on..........
Chari, humanity, charity, respect and kindness all existed prior to current fences, borders and law enforcement agencies. And as we all know, even family ties and history bind the Mexican Northwest with the Southwestern U.S. No border fence, walls or patrols can sever those ties.

If you look at the history of the world and its greatest cultures and governments, it becomes obvious (at least to me) that the biggest threat to so-called American supremacy comes from the those very people who consider themselves and their culture (in the loosest sense of this word) superior to cultures that have existed and survived for centuries.

While they protect themselves from "outsiders", they themselves are eroding their society...not to mention their gene pool.

They blame external forces for eroding what they think they have while ignoring that it is their own "dumbing down" effect that is the biggest threat. Case in point: the idiot who has already told us that in Oregon his pastime is picking off squirrels as if they were immigrants. Perhaps he would stand a better chance of advancing his society or of making a contribution to his community if he spent that time reading a book or tutoring a child in something other than how to hate.

Any woman who has ever been in an abusive relationship (or for that matter, any man who has seen a short guy drunk in a bar and looking for someone to pick on) can tell you that those blowhards who put others down to make themselves feel superior...are their own worst enemy.

P.S. Forget the flame suit...I've just diverted the line of fire.
I don't think I would leave the States if we could take a vacation along the border and start plinkin off border jumpers like I do ground squirrels in Oregon. Your right.. that would solve the problem right there. Heck that would even increase tourism in AZ and bordering states.
I wonder if you even understand that you're oh so blithely talking about committing murder? Multiple murders. But then, maybe that's always been a dream of yours, unfulfilled due to the fear of getting caught and prosecuted? Happy you if such murder were legalized so you could plink away without fear of consequences...


Ladies, ladies!!!, do not waste your breath trying to convince a squirrel!!! :eek3:
Hey I didn't know they had squirrels in Peru.
The lack of border patrol out by me (South of Bowie) to the New Mexico line is really surprising.I don't even call them because response is so slow.Guys on the ridge line past my property line are on there own..water.a little food now and then maybe but after this shooting I am a little hesitant to help out too much.Last night during Letterman the dogs went crazy.I put the night vision on a hill behind our place and saw a group moving down the draw...I returned to my TV show...might get a bigger meaner dog too


Jerry, we do not have squirrels in Peru, we have ardillas ja, ja, ja
I had my fill with illegal crossers when my wife and I were managing a guest ranch in Tubac (Rex Ranch, now it is a spa) every day and night too, I gave lots of food and water away, even to 3 year old kids with thier parents many times, a few times I was affraid for our good being just by looking at the people in front of me, but I said before, not all that come are bad people!! I probably could say that speaking spanish was very usefull during those days and always I told Alicia to hide just in case, also help that the owner of the ranch, at the time, had 2 illegals working for him and that also help with the passer by, I always helped them 'cause to me they were humans not animals and I know it was risky some times!! specially when the coyotes were present.


Man you have lived a full life and deserve some beach time! I agree on the coyotes.I'm sure the guy who killed the rancher was a local from the other side.High on dope,knows the area waiting and watching.Last month i came upon one while rock hounding that worried me enough to call the law...he looked like a pirate one eye,scarred..jesus he was right out of Treasure of Sierra Madre....2 hours later a fatter older version of me showed up in the Cochise County Sheriff costume ...worthless


Like I tell my wify, its all in a days life!! might not be the brightest star out but live life to the fullest!! with tecate and corralejo!!

Mentiras y Traición

Sonoran Goddess
Shades of Physco! I'm deep in to reading Jerry's post about people creeping past his house in the dark and BOOM - my power goes off - popping loudly and scares the you-know-what out of me! Just like the shower scene! I'm definitely awake now!
Interesting comments/story from Border report

Did the Republican governor of Arizona knowingly use a murder that had nothing to do with Mexico at all to propagate the passage of a state law criminalizing illegal immigration? Perhaps.
The Arizona Daily Star in Tucson smoked a great story this morning; saying the killing of a Southern Arizona rancher was not random and that Cochise County Sheriff’s deputies are looking for an individual in the U.S., not in Mexico.
Robert Krentz was murdered March 27, on his ranch in southeastern Arizona. His death prompted much of the latest rancor surrounding the issue of how to control the Arizona border. Gov. Jan Brewer used the murder as the sounding board to call for an increase of federal border security. Though she never tied Krentz’s murder to Arizona’s new law criminalizing illegal immigration, her signing the bill came weeks after the murder. Last month, she approved the spending of $10 million in discretionary stimulus funding to border area law enforcement agencies and called for National Guard training missions on the border. Before Krentz’s killing, Brewer’s administration paid little to no public attention to the border.
The question now becomes whether Arizona state officials knew the sheriff’s deputies were looking for someone in the U.S., someone who plotted to kill Krentz. The Star’s source is identified only as “high level government officials,” it doesn’t specify whether the sources were at the federal, state or county level. But if these government officials knew and presented enough evidence to convince the newspaper that it was true, then I think it’s safe to assume state officials also knew. And if state officials knew Krentz’s murder had nothing to do with the U.S.-Mexico border, then Brewer also had to have known.
Which is interesting. I hope this story gathers some serious legs.​



Channel 11 News explained tonight that the Az Daily Star made an error in reporting what govt officials were saying. The Star's original story stated that the person being sought is a U.S. citizen. The Star later acknowledged that this is an error and that what govt officials had told them was that the person is believed to be in the U.S. The govt officials have said nothing about the nationality of the suspect. The Star blamed the error on an editing mistake, not the reporter.

I've seen nothing to indicate law enforcement believes the Krentz murder was unrelated to border issues. Let's remember that many people living in the U.S. are also involved in smuggling drugs and humans. Smuggling operations utilize U.S. citizens as spotters, drivers and in other roles. Even if it turns out the shooter is someone born and raised in Douglas or Bisbee, that wouldn't mean the killing was unrelated to border smuggling.

Read the Tucson Weekly article posted by Playaperro and decide whether govt officials are just blowing smoke for political reasons or if perhaps our government is failing to protect its citizens.