Sandy Beach Jetty Construction


They say it's coming from Black Mountain - just west of Competition Hill. There's plenty of it, but it's getting it loose is the problem - I think.


From Defrente...on other sketchy dealings involving some of the players in this deal...end result the people of Penasco lose 4000000 US dollars!

The cesspool of irregularities orders Congress of the State revert DATION in payment with land in administration of ZEPEDA paid taxes and transfers of domain for 40 million with an area of 700 thousand pesos is uncovered by: Alberto Aldrete Valdez PTO. PENASCO SONORA order for reverse operation of the Convention enactment of payment between the municipality and the company Beach dream S. A. de C.V. represented by his legal guardian, Reyel Taylor Prat, held on 23 December 2011, was sent to the current municipal administration by the State Congress, taking account of the observation made by the ISAFwhich caused that you happened the public account from 2012.
This was informed by the controller Municipal José Alfredo Souza Cabrera, noting that a series of irregularities were committed in the transaction all serious, suffering commune therefore a breach of some more of 40 million pesos, for which is has already begun administrative proceedings against four officials of the previous administration formed by the then Mayor Alejandro Zepeda Munro; its trustee Noah Banaga Farias; who was the Secretary of the Town Hall and today Councillor Jose Ramon Campos Santos and the then municipal treasurer Cecilio Vásquez Ordaz, also against the substitute public notary Lic. Eleazar Jiménez Zamorano, who allegedly carried out the deed to ignore irregularities committed.
He said the Comptroller that the Superior Institute of audit and supervision in their reviews in non-current assets noted that dated December 23, 2011 held a Convention of dation in payment and purchase and sale of land identified as 6C40 fraction of the venue "La Cholla", with key cadastral 12-114-037 with an area of 8,500 square meters, of which 8,152 meters correspond to the enactment of payment and the rest1,348 to a sale that was paid with resources from the City Council.
The agreement stipulated pay to the municipality by the real estate dream S.A. de C.V. Enterprise debts in the amount of $34´973, 102 pesos per concept of taxes and transfers of domain for the years 2008 to 2012, giving dation in payment 8,152 square meters.
By mutual agreement between the parties, determined that the value per square metre of the land out of $4,290 pesos, regardless of that valuation any moment, wasn't until 8 February 2012 the company requested the valuation of the land to the Eng. Cecilia Arciga Ramírez, who determined a value of $4,290 pesos M2, i.e.the expert valuadora was adjusted, inflating the price agreed by the seller and the buyer, even if the rateable value for the year 2012, according to the unit values of land authorized by the H. Congress of the State established a value of $100 pesos the square meter.
The other irregular operation carried out was that other terrain 1,348-square-meters, taking into account the same value, are paid by electronic bank transfer made on 18 January 2012 in favor of real estate dream S. A. de C.V., the amount of $5´781, 900 pesos, as a result of both operations clearly irregular, not to say criminal, led to several observations on the part of the ISAF, as it was that it had not been considered undergo that operation the Council agreement as stated in article 61, section II; that property is not registered in the assets of the City Council; that the two deeds in the Icreson; nor have registered kind of payment are not applicable domain transfers as established by article 4 of the law of municipal revenue, and that in observance of the same article provides that in relation to the acceptance of property in kind of payment in all cases, the value must be less than three-fourths of the rateable value or marketmeaning that it must be that throw the smallest value, which in this case must have been $75 m square meter.
The origin of this debit is multi-company, as promoter tourist Playa Escondida; Real estate Beach dream; Gustavo Brown Tarin; Real estate Punta Pelican; Beach Club The Reef; Nubia Brown; SBR steel structures; Development near the sea; Cliff Bay; House white and Emerald, among others, for the years 2008 to 2012.
In this case and by this operation clearly fraudulent, City Hall suffered an asset loss ceasing to receive 40 million pesos, and worse still, spend another 5 million 781 thousand dollars that paid for other terrain.
According to detailed the controller, the remarks made by the ISAF, were as follows: to)-was not submitted for consideration of the Town Hall (Cabildo) purchase the land for sale.
(b) there was accounted for the received property on the occasion of the purchase sale.
c.-the acquisition was performed directly without ensuring the best conditions to the municipality.
(d) was taken in common agreement between the parties a value of land of $4,290 pesos square meter, however the price of square meter, according to mechanics described in article 4 of the law of income of the municipality of Puerto Peñasco, is $100 pesos a square meter.
The foregoing was derived that the city pay the very high figure of $40 million 755 pesos, and must have paid $746,194 pesos, which constitutes a high breaking to finance municipal, in return, is not known that benefits four officials for making that transaction, receive even though it agrees and becomes suspicious the fact that surrounding land are now close to the involved relatives name.
For all of the above, the higher Institute of audit and oversight (Isaf) determined that she is violated several regulations of the law on Government and Municipal Administration; the cadastral law and registry of the State; the law of municipal revenue; the Municipal governmental accounting law and the law of responsibility of public servants.
Therefore the State Congress sent last week a law to justify the motive or reason for each and every one of the comments, and accredit 1.-authorization of the City Hall for the celebration of the purchase; 2. the accounting register of the field object of the purchase; 3. the public tender for the acquisition of land and 4.-the destination that you will be given the good, also the controls established for the purpose of that not happening again this situation, informing the ISAF.
It should be noted that copies of the full record of that operation are held by this newspaper, same which made us arrive in his time, the then Treasurer Municipal Cecilio Vasquez Ordaz, when at that time reported this agreement, in order to "check that all was well".
Many things in the view of the Municipal Comptroller Jose Alfredo Souza, can be solved with 40 million pesos not admitted this breach in finance could resolve many of the financial problems that have been facing the commune, as for example, liquidate the 36 billion pesos that are owed to the Isssteson and which were inherited him by the two former municipal administrations; to buy patrols; for direct works; either to pay suppliers, which oxigenaría financially to City Hall.
The municipal official explained that this procedure initiated on June 10, 2013, when was notified the fact pursuant to its guarantee to four former City officials involved, however instead of rinse, they hired two lawyers, Julio Cesar Echeverria and Jorge Eduardo González Madrid, who showed the Special Committee composed of 4 aldermen, and vulgar and rude way they tried to disqualify the procedure.
They would then the ISAF, at the same time did its job, coincide in their judgments that this operation was full of vices, by which the State Congress issued mentioned, same order that does not comply with it they incur the crime of omission.
He explained that each dependency is fulfilling the responsibility that corresponds, Comptroller in its role as monitor; Treasury in the collection of defaulted loans; Cabildo, giving authority to reverse, canceling the operation, and the trustee in its role as guardian of the city bringing criminal and civil claims before the Public Ministry of the common law.
The punishment for officials, according to the controller, is to replace the damage done, a fine of one hundred per cent of the amount, that is 40 million, also in administrative could be disabled up to 10 years for public office, criminal matters shall be prosecutors who determined according to the degree of crimes that imputing them to everyone.
For its part the municipal President Prof. Gerardo Figueroa asserted in this or in any other case there are political persecution, or personal or partisan, because they are obeying an order from the Congress of the State and have to obey, otherwise, if not met them would be criminal responsibilities, this administration and those involved rather than they do, stressed.


So millions of dollars allocated by the government, and they can't pay workers?
drivers not being paid the guy who signs the checks is not around. So who got the money???
Great questions, I was wondering the same thing. Wasn't there millions of USD allocated for this?

As for the rock shortage... Why didn't they just build a pier? Would have looked better, and been much easier to take down when/if this things fails.


From Defrente...on other sketchy dealings involving some of the players in this deal...end result the people of Penasco lose 4000000 US dollars!

The cesspool of irregularities orders Congress of the State revert DATION in payment with land in administration of ZEPEDA paid taxes and transfers of domain for 40 million with an area of 700 thousand pesos is uncovered by: Alberto Aldrete Valdez PTO. PENASCO SONORA order for reverse operation of the Convention enactment of payment between the municipality and the company Beach dream S. A. de C.V. represented by his legal guardian, Reyel Taylor Prat, held on 23 December 2011, was sent to the current municipal administration by the State Congress, taking account of the observation made by the ISAFwhich caused that you happened the public account from 2012.
This was informed by the controller Municipal José Alfredo Souza Cabrera, noting that a series of irregularities were committed in the transaction all serious, suffering commune therefore a breach of some more of 40 million pesos, for which is has already begun administrative proceedings against four officials of the previous administration formed by the then Mayor Alejandro Zepeda Munro; its trustee Noah Banaga Farias; who was the Secretary of the Town Hall and today Councillor Jose Ramon Campos Santos and the then municipal treasurer Cecilio Vásquez Ordaz, also against the substitute public notary Lic. Eleazar Jiménez Zamorano, who allegedly carried out the deed to ignore irregularities committed.
He said the Comptroller that the Superior Institute of audit and supervision in their reviews in non-current assets noted that dated December 23, 2011 held a Convention of dation in payment and purchase and sale of land identified as 6C40 fraction of the venue "La Cholla", with key cadastral 12-114-037 with an area of 8,500 square meters, of which 8,152 meters correspond to the enactment of payment and the rest1,348 to a sale that was paid with resources from the City Council.
The agreement stipulated pay to the municipality by the real estate dream S.A. de C.V. Enterprise debts in the amount of $34´973, 102 pesos per concept of taxes and transfers of domain for the years 2008 to 2012, giving dation in payment 8,152 square meters.
By mutual agreement between the parties, determined that the value per square metre of the land out of $4,290 pesos, regardless of that valuation any moment, wasn't until 8 February 2012 the company requested the valuation of the land to the Eng. Cecilia Arciga Ramírez, who determined a value of $4,290 pesos M2, i.e.the expert valuadora was adjusted, inflating the price agreed by the seller and the buyer, even if the rateable value for the year 2012, according to the unit values of land authorized by the H. Congress of the State established a value of $100 pesos the square meter.
The other irregular operation carried out was that other terrain 1,348-square-meters, taking into account the same value, are paid by electronic bank transfer made on 18 January 2012 in favor of real estate dream S. A. de C.V., the amount of $5´781, 900 pesos, as a result of both operations clearly irregular, not to say criminal, led to several observations on the part of the ISAF, as it was that it had not been considered undergo that operation the Council agreement as stated in article 61, section II; that property is not registered in the assets of the City Council; that the two deeds in the Icreson; nor have registered kind of payment are not applicable domain transfers as established by article 4 of the law of municipal revenue, and that in observance of the same article provides that in relation to the acceptance of property in kind of payment in all cases, the value must be less than three-fourths of the rateable value or marketmeaning that it must be that throw the smallest value, which in this case must have been $75 m square meter.
The origin of this debit is multi-company, as promoter tourist Playa Escondida; Real estate Beach dream; Gustavo Brown Tarin; Real estate Punta Pelican; Beach Club The Reef; Nubia Brown; SBR steel structures; Development near the sea; Cliff Bay; House white and Emerald, among others, for the years 2008 to 2012.
In this case and by this operation clearly fraudulent, City Hall suffered an asset loss ceasing to receive 40 million pesos, and worse still, spend another 5 million 781 thousand dollars that paid for other terrain.
According to detailed the controller, the remarks made by the ISAF, were as follows: to)-was not submitted for consideration of the Town Hall (Cabildo) purchase the land for sale.
(b) there was accounted for the received property on the occasion of the purchase sale.
c.-the acquisition was performed directly without ensuring the best conditions to the municipality.
(d) was taken in common agreement between the parties a value of land of $4,290 pesos square meter, however the price of square meter, according to mechanics described in article 4 of the law of income of the municipality of Puerto Peñasco, is $100 pesos a square meter.
The foregoing was derived that the city pay the very high figure of $40 million 755 pesos, and must have paid $746,194 pesos, which constitutes a high breaking to finance municipal, in return, is not known that benefits four officials for making that transaction, receive even though it agrees and becomes suspicious the fact that surrounding land are now close to the involved relatives name.
For all of the above, the higher Institute of audit and oversight (Isaf) determined that she is violated several regulations of the law on Government and Municipal Administration; the cadastral law and registry of the State; the law of municipal revenue; the Municipal governmental accounting law and the law of responsibility of public servants.
Therefore the State Congress sent last week a law to justify the motive or reason for each and every one of the comments, and accredit 1.-authorization of the City Hall for the celebration of the purchase; 2. the accounting register of the field object of the purchase; 3. the public tender for the acquisition of land and 4.-the destination that you will be given the good, also the controls established for the purpose of that not happening again this situation, informing the ISAF.
It should be noted that copies of the full record of that operation are held by this newspaper, same which made us arrive in his time, the then Treasurer Municipal Cecilio Vasquez Ordaz, when at that time reported this agreement, in order to "check that all was well".
Many things in the view of the Municipal Comptroller Jose Alfredo Souza, can be solved with 40 million pesos not admitted this breach in finance could resolve many of the financial problems that have been facing the commune, as for example, liquidate the 36 billion pesos that are owed to the Isssteson and which were inherited him by the two former municipal administrations; to buy patrols; for direct works; either to pay suppliers, which oxigenaría financially to City Hall.
The municipal official explained that this procedure initiated on June 10, 2013, when was notified the fact pursuant to its guarantee to four former City officials involved, however instead of rinse, they hired two lawyers, Julio Cesar Echeverria and Jorge Eduardo González Madrid, who showed the Special Committee composed of 4 aldermen, and vulgar and rude way they tried to disqualify the procedure.
They would then the ISAF, at the same time did its job, coincide in their judgments that this operation was full of vices, by which the State Congress issued mentioned, same order that does not comply with it they incur the crime of omission.
He explained that each dependency is fulfilling the responsibility that corresponds, Comptroller in its role as monitor; Treasury in the collection of defaulted loans; Cabildo, giving authority to reverse, canceling the operation, and the trustee in its role as guardian of the city bringing criminal and civil claims before the Public Ministry of the common law.
The punishment for officials, according to the controller, is to replace the damage done, a fine of one hundred per cent of the amount, that is 40 million, also in administrative could be disabled up to 10 years for public office, criminal matters shall be prosecutors who determined according to the degree of crimes that imputing them to everyone.
For its part the municipal President Prof. Gerardo Figueroa asserted in this or in any other case there are political persecution, or personal or partisan, because they are obeying an order from the Congress of the State and have to obey, otherwise, if not met them would be criminal responsibilities, this administration and those involved rather than they do, stressed.
The same thing was attempted (unsuccessfully) in other areas of Penasco by the same group.
Went by there today on a tour and they are in full swing at the Jetty. Literally tons or rock being delivered. Lots of construction of what appears to be loading and unloading ramps for construction stuff there too.
Russ went home today 7:30 am not much going on. I don't know what those concrete structures are going to be used for who knows. But to me it looks like the drivers have not been paid yet only one truck!! Hope they get their stuff together to much bad stuff to soon!! Sept. completion before the existing governor leaves office is only a pipe dream.
Have to say just spent six days down, Whale watching beer drinking fun with friends and have to say never have we enjoyed the most perfect weather for this amount of time no wind, Sun Sea like glass perfect shorts. Love this place!! be back next week.


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Ive been in RP for the last 10 days....Very impressed w/ all the construction around town!! New paved roads, new landscaping, new restaurant going in & tourists everywhere......I went down to the cruise port today and there were at least 30 dump trucks dumping rock, 2 huge excavators working, 2 big tractors doing there thing.. I spoke w/ a truck driver & he was a local guy who said he was getting paid just fine & there was no oil leak...He said the temporary stop was due to the rock quarry getting the right sized rocks ready. ( 200 locals employed currently & only 21 out siders employed )..

Read the factual port information in link below from the city & the contractor......