Thanksgiving weekend roll call - Nov 25, 2010



Michaela, a veggie tray would be great. I know most people should bring there own chairs to the party. It looks like I'll be down this Sunday or Monday and I won't have have a computer. If you get hold of Mark he can get hold me. A new record for me almost twenty days in November!


2 salty dawgs

Chuck -
we're stoked to have 5 nights this year, can't believe a whole year has passed since last thanksgiving. we'll probably swing the rv into your place when we get there to drop off supplies, then roll back to PDO and get checked in and set up.
can't wait!

time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a banana :)
Does anyone think it might be worthwhile to start another thread to get a recap of what everyone is bringing to the pot luck?
A veggie tray & cookies it is!! I'm jealous that you'll be down for almost 3 weeks. I'll have to settle (and am happy) for 6 days with Joester & Ter Bear. Look forward to seeing you again. Michele


I was down from the 4th-14th. Then the 22-28th. I'm also going to make some cornbread and brownies if my oven works. I'm ready for a feast and a party!


With the mention of fishing we all sure had a good time last year. It also provided the fish for the fish fry. We fished in a little deeper water South East of the island and got a ton of bass. I also would like to do it if for nothing else but to the hooting of the women. I will do the filet again.


This is a Rocky Point forum... We know how to carve a turkey... Oh, I forgot you don't go to P.P. Maybe you should post this on the Santo Tomas forum for dummies? And don't forget the violence...
SWEET! Wish you weren't leaving on Sun. though so we could hang some more since we're there 'till Tue. But, yeah, buddy we'll do some major eatin & partyin.
P.S. Hope your oven works, cuz I LOVE brownies & cornbread. See you in 1 week. Yoo, hoo!
Thanks for offering the ride, Bill. I'm with you re: fishing. It was a blast last year. I couldn't believe that I caught all those fish cuz I don't really fish that much & I'm not very good at it. I'll help you & Edna again with the fish fry if we have one. Can't wait to sit/chat with you.


Hey Az you do love your Scotch..just want to make sure don't light any of those plastic slave labor produced beads on fire
This is a Rocky Point forum... We know how to carve a turkey... Oh, I forgot you don't go to P.P. Maybe you should post this on the Santo Tomas forum for dummies? And don't forget the violence...


We had so much fun fishing at the Island last year! It would be great to have fresh fish for the fish fry again... I might make the brownies at home and take a chance on the cornbread. I have four boxes of each.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Chuck, my neighbor Char, (yes, there are 2 of us, LOL) and my friend Kathy up the way both have working ovens. Char will be there and I have keys to Kathy's place so we have ovens. I'll be baking my potatoes au gratin somewhere between those two. We'll get your stuff baked.


Would be happy to share my oven with anyone who needs stuff cooked. Count me in on the Pot luck. I was thinking of bringing a spiral ham and some dinner rolls. Got to have them to make turkey and ham sandwiches with leftovers. Let me know if there is anything else you need for this, chances are I have it.
It looks like for Thanksgiving dinner, Mark is smoking a turkey, R.P. Joe is deep frying turkeys and I'm making one. Crock pots are best for keeping food warm. We will have five 6 foot tables, the same set-up as last year. We will need someone to bring paper plates, plastic silverware, potatoes, a veggie tray, stuffing, and, of course, desserts. If you have a special dish please share it with us. We plan to serve dinner around 3pm, but come early...happy hour starts when you get there! Valerie will be making her "Pink Johnson's." Bring whatever else you would like to drink. We hope to have left-overs (turkey and desserts) to take with us on the boat. We will need bread, mayonnaise, and chips for the boat trip.
I'll be heading down Thanksgiving morning...early...should get in before noon. Should be enough time to get the turkey I'm bringing down deep fried (only takes about 3 minutes/lb.).

Rob/Chuck....we have plenty of room to spread out. My friend Rosemary isn't heading down, and we can use her patio/parking area to set up the deep fryers (ROB...are you still bringing 2?). Could also use the area as a "buffet line" to set up the food, if necessary.

Sorry Chari, haven't been able to find an "uncooked" ham to deep fry. If anyone does, bring it down.


I'm just getting into this post, so forgive me if you have already discussed this. Is there a list of what everyone is bringing, I'm trying to figure out what is needed so that I don't duplicate anything that someone is already bringing. We are already down for one deep fried turkey.


I'll cook the brownies Sunday night and we can do the cornbread fresh at the beach.
Did you see the new thread Joe started on Thanksgiving?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Are you going to freeze the brownies, then? After 4 days them brownies will be getting a little long in the tooth.....We have ovens and I can bake......I was born in Indiana.................I'll be there Wed before dark........