Wierd scene coming into Rocky Point today.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Can I just say I can't believe how many times I've agreed with Joe since December 18th? LOL

I'm actually really not that bad. Not that this is an excuse but I've been in the hospital 100 days in the last 13 months dealing with a wicked staph infection (MRSA) and I've been severely bored and that's usually when I get OOC on the forum. 3 years ago I got a little OOC and went to Banned Camp for a couple of weeks. Jerry and Kenny took notice and invited me on the Corvina Hunt to relax a little. It went well, I think I need more Santo Tomas fishing but that's for another thread.

Hey, we are both Shadow Mountain Matadors! That's got to mean something! LOL

Now I'm as cool as ERIC!!! Eat your heart out!


Jerry and Kenny took notice and invited me on the Corvina Hunt to relax a little. It went well, I think I need more Santo Tomas fishing but that's for another thread.
And I was as tactful as ever about it... I told him his own sh*# was coming out sideways all over the forum, it stunk up the joint and he needed to deal with it. So after a few seconds of mulling it over we thought, what better, a fishing trip was in order.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Open the link in Google Chrome and it will ask you if you want to translate it to English. Gotta love Chrome!


I believe comparing the violence in Mexico/Rocky Point to that of the violence in the USA/Arizona can be very difficult and can be like comparing apples to oranges with correlation problems. There might be more crime in Mexico, but could a lot of that be more petty crimes like vehicle theft and property crimes? I think to properly assess the security situation in Puerto Penasco, we have to take a wait and see approach on what (if any) response we may see from Macho's death and any blowback from it by the cartel. Macho's death does not mean things are out of control in Puerto Penasco or the Cartel will retaliate so we should not jump to conclusions about something that isn't there. I've lived overseas for a good chunk of my life, been to 24 countries all over the world- I can tell anyone that if they do not assess their safety and security situation when they travel to a foreign country, they are doing themselves a big dis-service. I have always done so because as an American traveling overseas, you are more vulnerable especially if you don't speak their language. When I was in the Palestinian Controlled Territories, I pretended I was a Canadian versus an American because I did not want to fall into the hands of the PLO or Hamas or some other terrorist organization, and when asked I was from Canada. Being aware of one's surroundings is key to survival and keeping yourself safe at all times. Prior to all this when I traveled down to Rocky Point, I always took security precautions and had different safety plans should something happen. But I do the same thing too back here in the USA when I go to places as one should never let their guard down.
I can agree with what you posted wholeheartedly, yet most here seem to want to drag out the latest shooting in South Phoenix to compare it to Rocky Point. You are one of the few who seem to agree that the facts are not there to make a valid comparison nor a knowledgeable decision, and a person has to rely on that they "feel safe". Well that's great for them but how about knocking off the "Mexico/Rocky Point is Safe!" until they have some hard solid facts to be saying that? Rocky Point is not the sleepy village it was 30 years ago, not by a long shot in many ways. These latest incidents are just highlighting that. I'll keep my memories of better times in Rocky Point and move on to spend my money elsewhere.

I'd love to go to Lebanon someday as with many parts of the Middle East. It's not high on my list but it is on my list.


It is possible the were looking for an even bigger fish they had just let out of jail. On another note when the American was raped in Las Conchas last year a rumor I heard was it was Prieto.....interesting...
Where is the whole story on that rape Jerry? It never made the news here. I used to stay in Las Conchas fairly often.


Good story making in clear RP is kept in still kept in the dark and most stories remain hearsay.

The published stories repeated by the Mayor was it was a SUCCESFULL surgical operation where No local citizens or tourists where harmed.

The initial stories coming where ones not Redacted for spin control.

"Not as normal, Mayor Figueroa was out of town, no local police present, banks and schools closed by Order. No rescue or local police notified, or later explained that it was not allowed due to risk. Bodies left on the open until 9:05, not even the Red Cross came to help.

If machine gun fire from a gunship is "Surgical" then what's next, cluster bombs?
Im going to apologize off the top for not having the patience and understanding that it takes to be a part of this fine forum. You have a seriously limited understanding of the culture if you think that MP living in RP effects the economy of the whole state of Sonora. I dont know what MP living in RP has to do with grape exports from Caborca. MP living in BS has 0 effect on the states economy. Who do you think governs the state of Sonora???? The government??? Lol

You asked if you were correct and I guess that depends on your definition of "that long". I think more than a year is more than "that long''.

Do you think we havent won the drug war because we can't? We went to the moon, we invade countries, we can't win the drug war?? Or is it that we don't want to? The industrial Prison Complex is big business in the US. If we were winning the drug war there would be less drugs right? Less drugs = less arrests = less prison time = less "clients". The private prison industry would topple. Not to mention all the fine folks at the DEA would lose their jobs because there would be no need for the DEA. What would the border patrol do?? They spend 98% of their time on drug seizures. They'd be out of jobs too. Not to mention the people that use drugs that publicly oppose it. For example the Republican Congressman that wanted welfare recipients to take drug tests to receive welfare when in reality this guy gets caught buying cocaine. Nobody wants drugs to go away. We love drugs and why shouldn't we, they're awesome!

The drug war is for all the goody goodies in the world. It's there to create the public perception that drugs are bad and that we "the good people" are doing something to stop the drug trade. I love watching the news after a drug bust and the cop or BP or whoever making the bust comments that, "there are now less drugs on the streets" and everyone is patting each other on the back. In reality, no seizure will disrupt the market and those making those statements are in a fairy tale dream world.

A 40 year war on drugs and you know what it has done to the market? Absolutely nothing, in fact product price has gone down over the years not up. Simple supply and demand understanding will tell us that the war on drugs hasn't made ANY impact on the market.
You completely missed my point Joe. I was not debating the War on Drugs, structure of the Cartel, or the DEA's involvement in Mexico. I was talking about public perception of what is going on in Rocky Point. Regardless of whether or not you or I believe the violence in Rocky Point is "serious" or not, the fact of the matter remains that this is how many Americans have viewed the situation there and are viewing it now given what happened this month there. It would be foolish from an economic point of view to simply ignore this while Puerto Penasco tries to recover after years of taking a hit to their economy because of falling revenue from tourism. Why is that? You had the economic downturn in 2008 coupled with violence all throughout the country of Mexico which strongly contributed to Americans thinking negatively about traveling to/from Mexico, hence the lessening impact of American dollars in Rocky Point.

From reading your posts, it sounds like what happened in Puerto Penasco isn't going to stop either of us from having in good time down there. But just because we aren't going to be impacted and deterred from what happened there, does not mean that other Americans will not be. It's about keeping them coming down as well and keeping Rocky Point in a positive spotlight. You cannot ignore what is being said out there because in doing so, it will certainly not abode well for a good public relations campaign.


Jerry's post not your's Senior Negativo!
Yet you quoted mine. Even so, pretty much everything on here is 'hearsay' and so what? Back to Jerry's post, why would you care about Prieta's "reputation" being besmudged? How would a drug dealer sue for defamation? "Your Honor, Jerry's comments reduced my illegal drug sales by $1 million dollars a year and I'm asking for redress."
In that report; It was reported by witnesses cocaine packages taken out of the water truck by "federales".
What caught my eye. It said in this article, on the Sunday prior to the incident there was a car chase down Constitution Ave by military vehicles, in which shots were fired. Several witnesses who were in the proximity felt their lives were in danger. This event is news to me.
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How is my asking about it hearsay, and since when did this become a courtroom?
Easy dog...I was referring to the Greek Americans whose house was busted in in 2010 just before the shoot out at the school....and it was a question . a Mexican newspaper story also said Macho Prieto's bad behavior included rape 80 murders,rape,drug smuggling...next thing you know he would have been jaywalking...


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Stuart and ladyjeeper must be on vacation because this crap needs to end and no one is ending it.
Margaret has earn some well-deserved time in Banned Camp. Bring a blanket, it's chilly and it's difficult to get those cowpies to burn and give off enough heat at this time of year.