Boomerfest Question

Yes you've never seen me post before - I've been lurking the last few months. Lately Henry Altman has been on some internet radio show (don't know the name - I'll post it later) but you can listen to back issues or repeats of the show on demand. For his show on November 2 and November 9 he claims the be broadcasting "overlooking the beautiful beaches of Rockypoint" or something similar. In other words he is telling the listeners that his broadcasting his bs from RP. Has anyone seen him or can anyone verify that he is or was in RP? To me it sounds like more Henry A BS. I've know him for a LONG time and there is more BS than you will ever imagine.

Now you have "24 major artists" still but tickets in December? How about we pay you 400 units of a major world currency (such as Columbian money or some other low-value currency) versus 400 USD for that?

I will bet that this will NEVER get pulled off.

I haven't seen much other chatter - any new news or gossip about Boomerfest?

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Yeah !! I heard Elvis AND Buddy Holly are scheduled to play !! They are working on the Big Bopper too. Should be a sold out show with names like that. Heard there are several large groups coming from England, France and the Netherlands. the airport here is concerned about all the planes coming in as they are not accustomed to that much traffic. Most of hte condos are booked for the fest too so bring a tent !!

Ja ja ja ja NOT !!
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El Pirata
Hey be nice, if you go by there you can see 3 stages going up, so the music will be non stop.
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El Gato

So they have started on the construction? I've heard that they have some bands signed up but still working on some. Gather it is much more involved then maybe anticipated.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I heard a rumor... that they will be tearing down Wrecked at the Reef for this event. Something along the lines that Gus Brown owes waaaaay too much back taxes and opted to give up the land to the Mexican Government? Like I said... rumor.
My comments on some of the above:

- Don't know if any construction of stages has begun but can tell you that no one in City Government knows anything about this event. Jake3997, please email me at [email protected] (if you can't yet pm).

- Some on here know Randy at Wrecked and surely he can confirm whether it's being torn down. I think that rumor was started by the same least that's where I first heard it. They said they're tearing down to build a wine-tasting and chef competition facility. This would have nothing to do with the city, so donating it for taxes doesn't quite jibe with it being used by private investors for a private enterprise that the city knows nothing about.

- Rumors sometimes blend into each other and I think it happened here. It recently made news that the previous city administration accepted land out near the convention center from one of Sandy Beach Resorts' companies, supposedly in lieu of back taxes. It's an issue because there's a discrepancy with the value of the land and the amount credited.

- Altman has an internet radio show that he can transmit from anywhere with a computer and mic. Several of the others on that ex-pat website who also have radio shows are coincidentally with him on the organizing committee for Boomer Fest.


El Pirata
Humm I heard at GG's that the chino's had bought that joint and the land to put the marina in next year! The marina is confirmed by the city.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
no one in City Government knows anything about this event.
Well, that speaks volumes in my mind. How do you plan something of this supposed size and impact and NOT involve the city government? I mean, is one to assume that fire/medical, police/security, traffic control, trash, electricity, water, etc., etc., etc. is all being handled by private enterprises? Me thinks not.


El Pirata
Too much mordida to bring the city in on private property, Concerts have been done down the east beach area before, Gus Brown always wants full control on his land. As for police protection you can ask our Cholla Bay residents how much stuff is missing in the last 6 months.
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OK - so any updates? Has anyone actually SEEN Henry Altman around town? You'd think if he were here he would want everyone to know it.


Affordable Beach Front Property in Sonora Mexico It hurts the brain.....Elton John would have done us all a favor if he would have beat Henry to death with a guitar in Japan in 1974 when Henry apparently was giving Elton his big break in asia.
Henry...the suckers have lost all their money.No one is going to buy beach land in a tidal flat from you because you have some crappy leggo model of a "green" development in the back of your station wagon and you are personal friends with Jacques Cousteau
Examining the Boomerfest concept from a logistical standpoint it does not add up. Agents rely on their top tier acts to feed agency coffers. What agent would be willing to sell a national act to an untested festival and a first-time talent buyer, in a city of 30,000+ people in a foreign country that lacks a major airport with regular international flights? A number of the proposed acts are already playing in smaller venues (theatres or sheds) within a few hundred miles of Rocky Point. Has anyone here ever read the contract/rider requirements of these bands? Good luck supplying the travel, hotel and catering requirements of these large tours in Rocky Point (the closest Four Seasons or Ritz Carlton is several hundred miles away). Buying these acts for a festival which is not part of the normal routing would be defined as a one-off show. This would effectively double or triple the artists normal guarantee. No agent will risk his position in a cut throat industry to aid an untested festival.

I would love to see a major festival become a yearly event in Rocky Point. Too kick that off and make it a reality, Boomerfest organizers need to start small and build it year by year. Start with a group that has the potential to draw (Jimmy Buffett) and then add groups each year once you have a proven concept. For a first time festival they will greatly overpay the artist guarantee and will no doubt lose money the first few years. Much like Country Thunder and Coachella, it may become something after proof of concept.