another Travel Warning?


Lovin it in RP!
So all the Mardi Gras invites and promotion I saw over the prior months were geared toward locals only? That was a city-sponsored event!!! Am I wrong? How the hell was that able to happen and nobody was caught? And the police were seen ducking for cover?
Its obvious I cant help you here. Yes Carnival was geared toward locals it is a shame that something bad happened, but it did. It had nothing to do with tourist PERIOD.
Neither do the problems in Nogales, but look at what a disaster that turned into in just a few years. I don't think anything like that will happen to Penasco, but if people keep turning a blind eye and saying "it has nothing to do with tourists," things can only get worse. It's much easier to take care of this stuff early on, you know what I mean? This vitriol should be aimed more at Penasco city leaders than the media in Tucson and Phoenix. They spread just as much fear about our respective towns on a nightly basis, believe me.


Lovin it in RP!
Neither do the problems in Nogales, but look at what a disaster that turned into in just a few years. I don't think anything like that will happen to Penasco, but if people keep turning a blind eye and saying "it has nothing to do with tourists," things can only get worse. It's much easier to take care of this stuff early on, you know what I mean? This vitriol should be aimed more at Penasco city leaders than the media in Tucson and Phoenix. They spread just as much fear about our respective towns on a nightly basis, believe me.
It is wrong for you to assume that EVERYBODY is turning a blind eye, instead of generalities why dont you present a plan to the leaders and explain why your idea is better than theirs. This is tough and when all you have is criticism its kind of hard to move forward.....
I know, I'm sure everyone feels helpless, I do hope there are people working behind the scenes. I just remember after the police chief shooting that the mayor boasted about how there was to be a lot more done, big changes, more police, more military, and it looked good for a few weeks there, but the military need to be a constant presence if this kind of thing can happen. And that no-confidence vote recently from the police union, it's a bit too inside baseball for this non-local gringo to figure out, but it doesn't sound like they are getting the support they need.


Lovin it in RP!
Rocky Point is SAFE!

by Ocv Puerto Peñasco on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 6:02pm

April 26th, 2011

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
US Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Clinton,
As President of the Convention and Visitors Bureau in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico (aka Rocky Point) I strongly urge Rocky Point be removed from the Traveler’s Alert issued on April 22nd, 2011 by the U.S. Bureau of Consular Affairs.
We believe this alert does not accurately reflect the reality of Rocky Point and does not demonstrate the economic, political, and diplomatic strategies you have espoused in the past when forming a general outlook for American foreign policy. Within the strategy of “smart power”, you emphasized use of the full range of tools at your disposal, among these economic, legal and cultural, in “picking the right tool or combination of tools for each situation” ( Placing Rocky Point at the same level as other cities in Mexico where violence has been more prevalent does not acknowledge the varied realities throughout the country.
Puerto Peñasco has often been characterized fondly as “Arizona’s Beach.” For decades, hundreds of thousands of tourists have visited and invested in the area, choosing this destination not only due to its proximity to the US but also given the beauty of its beaches, tranquility and security.
Today, more than ever, we have strived to continue providing this security with partnerships between civil society and the government. Our safety levels in Rocky Point are much higher than the national media presents, and especially when compared to major US cities such as Phoenix or Tucson in neighboring Arizona.
It is unfortunate to see how government offices, such as the one you direct, do not consider costs and consequences of their actions by basing alerts such as this one on rumors and extemporaneous facts.
I am available to respond to any further concerns, questions or information needed from your office; I extend an invitation for you or someone from your department to visit this fabulous paradise on the shores of the Sea of Cortez in northwestern Mexico as our guest.


Héctor Vazquez del Mercado M.
President of Puerto Peñasco Convention and Visitors Bureau
Neither do the problems in Nogales, but look at what a disaster that turned into in just a few years. I don't think anything like that will happen to Penasco, but if people keep turning a blind eye and saying "it has nothing to do with tourists," things can only get worse. It's much easier to take care of this stuff early on, you know what I mean? This vitriol should be aimed more at Penasco city leaders than the media in Tucson and Phoenix. They spread just as much fear about our respective towns on a nightly basis, believe me.
James, what gives you the impression that anyone is turning a "blind eye"? I know you visit when you can, but as you acknowledge, you aren't privvy to what is being done. The complaints against the AZ media are quite valid as long as they continue their fear-mongering tactics. There are several reporters in Tucson and Phoenix that are doing a decent job, but there are others who haven't a clue what RP is like and they simply go for the sensationalistic approach. If they are so convinced they're right about Rocky Point, why don't they come here and do a real report? They go to Juarez, they go to Afghanistan, and they even go to Nogales. They aren't coming to Rocky Point because everyone knows they'd have nothing to do but take the Russ Taco Tour and drink beer at JJ's....which is great, but wouldn't quite be a convincing report on the "Dangers of Mexico", now would it?


This problem could have been avoided, but wasn't. Why is there no military presence in AZ. This crap happens all the time here? If you are afraid of Mexico, don't go, but quit the F......g trying to figure it out until you can figure out the problems in your own backyard.


Someone earlier Had posted the link to the Fronteras Desk article. This guy was on 12 news this morning taking about what he has seen or that has been reported to him and is saying that there is a lot that is not put out to the general public. He alluded to there being more violence and crime but that people may not speak as witness as they fear retribution.

What is the story with the military presence? In all my years of going down there, I don't recall military roaming around. federales, yes. Military, no.
Someone earlier Had posted the link to the Fronteras Desk article. This guy was on 12 news this morning taking about what he has seen or that has been reported to him and is saying that there is a lot that is not put out to the general public. He alluded to there being more violence and crime but that people may not speak as witness as they fear retribution.

What is the story with the military presence? In all my years of going down there, I don't recall military roaming around. federales, yes. Military, no.
Vanessa, the increased military presence is the same throughout Mexico as it is the military that is fighting the war on drugs, not local police or federales. I'm glad they're here. The few times I've had to interact with them, they are respectful and just focused on their job. There is no need to be afraid of them.

This town is small enough that it's quite difficult for crime to be covered up. Eventually we all find out when something happens. I'd say if someone is alluding to stuff without backing it up, it's BS.


Lovin it in RP!
I talked to Marizco about his article, I am not impressed by his response to me at all. He says hes just doing his job and is not trying to scare just report. Sounds bogus to me. Why isn't someone trashing San Diego about its crime just before summer vacation? Probably wouldn't sell too well I think!
I talked to Marizco about his article, I am not impressed by his response to me at all. He says hes just doing his job and is not trying to scare just report. Sounds bogus to me. Why isn't someone trashing San Diego about its crime just before summer vacation? Probably wouldn't sell too well I think!
His whole approach seems to have changed since he got the grant that gave him the fancy new website. He's "just reporting"? He says the soldiers "shot a guy". What he didn't say is that they were in pursuit of a bad guy and when he ran they shot him in the leg. He was not killed. He says this story was covered up and he was threatened with being arrested for reporting on the incident. And then he says that local news sources ignored or covered it up. Well, here are photos and the article. I was there. They waved people on because they didn't want a crowd to gather, but they didn't stop anyone from taking photos.
Then Marizco says that after the shooting the soldiers "stormed through downtown". To me, the choice of the word storming brings to mind a raid, not soldiers just driving around on patrol.
He quotes translator Monica Castro speaking English with poor grammar, when Monica happens to speak English very, very well.
That this guy is a good reporter capable of better is clear. If he talked to the wife of a murdered cop, he could have dug a little deeper there so he might tell us something we don't already know, remember, this is a guy who has gone undercover in Sinaloa (hmm, wonder why he needed a translator, anyway?). He didn't even reference earlier articles about it, giving some the impression that this, too, was covered up (it wasn't) when it happened.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
And I'd like to know where in the Old Port someone is selling $5 pizzas and cheap red wine.
If you find it, please post it here. I'm SO there! As much as I love Capone's, $25 USD is pretty ridiculous for a pizza -- anywhere!


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Eh, been a little while since I had one. I seem to recall my favorite, the "Capone," always showing up on the bill over $20 -- a "specialty" pizza.

Menu is here, but no prices listed. Guess I'll have to c'mon down and have one again, just to verify!!


Well this is disturbing. Marizco has a very poor memory or he is just lying for the story. Unless he got up at 5 AM looking for Americans. I met with him around noon, he wanted to interview me but I declined. I set up his meetng with Raphael 'Pino' Noriega who is managing the Portifino's location. He met with Pino at 3. He had already met with the waitress referred to. I think he put her at increased risk by mentioning that she said she saw the killers of her boyfriend. Everyone in town knows who she is and where she works. He did gain a dramatic moment by mentioning that she saw the killers but at what potential cost. He certainly is not concerned about her or her child. That really pisses me off.

How he found out about the shooting and got there after his meeting with Pino and before they were all gone is beyond me. I think the bit about threats from the military was bullshit too. Anything to increase the drama. And yes, he says it was not reported but it was.

To me this kind of distortion goes beyond irresponsibility, I think it is a criminal act. I now believe that he is an attention seeker and whoring to the media for attention and money. I think all the crap he writes on the Border Reporter is just that too.


Marizco says it took him eight hours to find an American in RP? Could he have meant tourist? And I'd like to know where in the Old Port someone is selling $5 pizzas and cheap red wine. The only "swanky Italian restaurant" I know that closed down was Portofino's.
I hear it is the "old" Portofino place.