How Is It That...?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Dana/Spicer Co.

They manufacture differentials for trucks and off road vehicles. Diffs come in different sizes according to application. The smaller the number of splines, the weaker it is. Jeeps come with 30,35 or very few 44's. To get a factory TJ with 44's in it is a score! If you want a 60, you usually have to upgrade after you get your vehicle. 30 and 35's are usually sufficient for light 4 wheeling. 44's are strong enough for my Jeep. I am not a crazy rock racer or anything like that. I did break 2 30's when I had my Cherokee, but haven't had any breakage with my 44's.
Yeah, most people fear the narcos while I tend to fear the man with the badge in Mexico.
Whether you're aware of it or not, there is a huge segment of the American population (most of them poor or minorities) who fear the man with the badge in the U.S. The news media is full of example of police abuse of power and the general public shrugs it off.

I was 10 years old when my mom (all 5'3" 100lbs of her) was yanked out of the driver's seat of our car by a police officer and smacked around for being "a smartass Mexican". After they used her for a punching bag they arrested her for assault on an officer, inciting a riot (she had yelled to bystanders to please help keep us safe), and resisting arrest. The next day she was told that if she didn't sue the department they'd drop all charges against her.

In the States you guys live very insulated from what is happening in your own cities and are therefore even further removed from what happens around the country. Just because it hasn't happened to you, don't think that police abuse and corruption aren't running rampant there.


I've been roughed up by the Po in 5 countries and nobody gives a better beating than the old Chicago PD


It's called giving blood for the good of your country. I only claim one country but several States and Counties !!


Count me in, but I'll have to admit; Though I hardly ever flinch around cops nowday's, it's still there.

Oh, I lost count in 74 or so, but 5 states...I think. OK, my vote go's to the LA Sheriffs dept. Man, could he swing that big flashlight!!
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Rosy, sorry to hear about what happened to your Mom- I'm sure that was terrible to witness at age 10. You said something that made me think twice: "Just because it hasn't happened to you, don't think that police abuse and corruption aren't running rampant there". I said that once to you regarding Rodger Clifton taking other people's money, and you said he seems like a wonderful person and a good friend, and you won't listen to rumors or believe what other people say about him. Remember, just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen or it won't happen to you.
Rosy, sorry to hear about what happened to your Mom- I'm sure that was terrible to witness at age 10. You said something that made me think twice: "Just because it hasn't happened to you, don't think that police abuse and corruption aren't running rampant there". I said that once to you regarding Rodger Clifton taking other people's money, and you said he seems like a wonderful person and a good friend, and you won't listen to rumors or believe what other people say about him. Remember, just because it hasn't happened to you, doesn't mean it didn't happen or it won't happen to you.
There must've been something lost in the translation, Miramar. I never said I wouldn't listen to rumors or that I disbelieve what people say. I said I would report on the positive things I know about him and react to that, because he has done me no harm and has in fact been generous in my presence. I wish he'd give more so I could write about it more. Also, he happens to be a downright pleasant and entertaining person who has been decent to me. As for what might happen to me, well everyone on this forum knows that it has already happened.

It's good to hear from you.


Rosie, Here's what you said about Rodger:
"I don't happen to believe that rumors about business practices should negate charity/social/civic contributions. Nor do they, for me personally, cancel out admirable traits or delightful and entertaining personalities. Rodger and his wife are people I know personally and I can attest to their kindness and generosity. And they are fun. Knowing them has been a blessing."

My point is if I used your logic: I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with police officers, so even though someone else has been beaten up by the police, I choose to ignore it because it hasn't happened to me. (By the way, I don't choose to ignore police violence) I felt you chose to ignore what I said about getting ripped off because he was such a nice guy. Guess you had to be in Tucson in 1981-1982 to understand. If he's that great of a guy he can repay us with- no interest charged! That's all I'm going to say about this matter because someone else wrote (El Semental- La Perla thread) that he doesn't play nice.
I see that you got a nice ad from Clifton's FMI so I guess that counts for something.
I don't know if I had the ad back when Miramar wrote to me, but it doesn't factor in. At the time, I had written about the Cliftons' donation to the children of RP. I still say that whatever he's done doesn't negate that generosity. I think you pointing to the ad is a bit cheesy. He's paying for his visibility and we're delivering. Nothing more, nothing less. I got this far without kissing any asses I didn't feel inclined to kiss.
It's a business and we make money from ads. I'd take Alejandro Portugal as a client and run his ads if he wanted it.
Rosie, Here's what you said about Rodger:
"I don't happen to believe that rumors about business practices should negate charity/social/civic contributions. Nor do they, for me personally, cancel out admirable traits or delightful and entertaining personalities. Rodger and his wife are people I know personally and I can attest to their kindness and generosity. And they are fun. Knowing them has been a blessing."

My point is if I used your logic: I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with police officers, so even though someone else has been beaten up by the police, I choose to ignore it because it hasn't happened to me. (By the way, I don't choose to ignore police violence) I felt you chose to ignore what I said about getting ripped off because he was such a nice guy. Guess you had to be in Tucson in 1981-1982 to understand. If he's that great of a guy he can repay us with- no interest charged! That's all I'm going to say about this matter because someone else wrote (El Semental- La Perla thread) that he doesn't play nice.
Look, you're making my point for me. If some police are bad, that doesn't negate that most are good, right? Once more I'm backed into a corner, answering for not wanting to pull the handle on someone because of his controversial baggage. Last time it was Steve Schwab, remember? Geez...I got accused of covering for him and we're not even on speaking terms. All because I want to be Schwab, Clifton, you, everyone. If I operate the RPNO with the axes we have to grind, the whole thing would be mighty tedious. Even my lawsuit against Martinez has never been mentioned there. Why? Because I don't think that's what that tool is for.

I told you back when you wrote to me that I'm sorry I disappointed you. I can only be sorry for what I do, not for what Clifton has done to you. I empathize. A lot of people have gotten cheated and I wish that weren't the case. I hope someday all the matter who they are...get what's coming to them. But don't hold me or the RPNO to an impossible standard. After all, it is a business and I'm running that show alone without any backup. Anyone here who thinks I'm getting rich with it must not know how tough collections are these days.


Right, but if I KNEW a police officer had beaten up someone, but not me, I wouldn't go around saying what a great person he was, that he was kind and generous, and gave money to charity, making him a great person. Anyway, I'm not disappointed, I just get offended when I see his picture on your website or Rocky Point Times saying how great he is because he gives (his??) money to charity. I'm sure there are hundreds of fantastic people in Penasco doing great things that you can write about. I don't expect you to write articles about what he's done, we've moved on, but I hope I don't see Berney Madoff on the cover of Rocky Point Times any time soon! Not that I'm equating what one person did was anything remotely close to the latter, so don't take it that way, I'm just making a point. (By the way, it blew me away when Joe Bonano died in Tucson and ALL the state political figures (Democrat and Republican) were at the funeral talking about what a great guy he was and the great charity work he did, failing to mention his Mafia connections. Go figure. Again, not that I'm equating what one person did was anything remotely close to the latter.)
I hope I don't see Berney Madoff on the cover of Rocky Point Times any time soon! Not that I'm equating what one person did was anything remotely close to the latter, so don't take it that way, I'm just making a point. (By the way, it blew me away when Joe Bonano died in Tucson and ALL the state political figures (Democrat and Republican) were at the funeral talking about what a great guy he was and the great charity work he did, failing to mention his Mafia connections. Go figure. Again, not that I'm equating what one person did was anything remotely close to the latter.)
Miramar, you got a chuckle out of me with that Bernie Madoff comment. Oh and by the way, my publication is the ROCKY POINT NEWS ONLINE Not the Rocky Point Times.

Let's hope Rodger doesn't make any big donations in the near future so I won't have to write about it...just kidding.


Rosy Sez: "I think you pointing to the ad is a bit cheesy. He's paying for his visibility and we're delivering. Nothing more, nothing less. I got this far without kissing any asses I didn't feel inclined to kiss.

Hey, hey , hey, cheesy now! I didn't accept or run the ad. It's a matter of public record that the ad is there. I'm a bad boy for pointing out what YOU did ?? Don't kill the messenger. Yeah, yeah, it's the context but the context was how well he treats you and what a great guy you think he is for that reason. Yes it's business and you've got to protect you income, ass kissing does not have to enter in.

Yes, only the asses you are inclined to kiss.

You have made it clear that you have been taken advantage buy some unscrupulous person, how it made you feel and what you think of them for that. What would you say to someone who defends and supports the person that stole from you as an upstanding citizen because 'they are fun to be with' ?? Take his ad money and shut up about it !!
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Rosy Sez: "I think you pointing to the ad is a bit cheesy. He's paying for his visibility and we're delivering. Nothing more, nothing less. I got this far without kissing any asses I didn't feel inclined to kiss.

Hey, hey , hey, cheesy now! I didn't accept or run the ad. It's a matter of public record that the ad is there. I'm a bad boy for pointing out what YOU did ?? Don't kill the messenger. Yeah, yeah, it's the context but the context was how well he treats you and what a great guy you think he is for that reason. Yes it's business and you've got to protect you income, ass kissing does not have to enter in.

Yes, only the asses you are inclined to kiss.

You have made it clear that you have been taken advantage buy some unscrupulous person, how it made you feel and what you think of them for that. What would you say to someone who defends and supports the person that stole from you as an upstanding citizen because 'they are fun to be with' ?? Take his ad money and shut up about it !!
First of all, it is no secret that the ad is there. I take issue with the way you snidely throw it out as if to imply that the reason I wrote about him is because he has an ad. That was what was cheesy.

I've had lots of people say that Martinez is a good guy...some of them right here on this forum. I let them know that isn't my experience and move on. Everyone has someone who likes them. I practice what I preach whether you believe it or not. I have friends who are friendly with Martinez and I don't feel bad about it. I also don't berate my friends and try to browbeat them into seeing other people the way I see them. Geez...what part of this is so hard to understand?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Now, getting back to our regularly scheduled thread of bad cops, let me tell you my story. I was barely 16 and newly licensed. My boyfriend and I had been invited to a party in Paradise Valley. My boyfriend was Mexican, I mean from Mexico Mexican. He wrecked his ATC, the dreaded and dangerous 3 wheeler, the afternoon of the party. This was a big deal party, Paradise Valley social big deal. They were HIS friends! He had to have over a hundred stitches in his right leg, he pretty much peeled all the skin off of it. He couldn't drive so I went and picked him up. He couldn't bend his leg so he had to lay across the back seat. He wasn't exactly sure where the party was so he was directing me and we kept having to turn around and look for the right road. All of a sudden there were police lights in my mirror so I pull over not sure of what I had done. The next thing I know, there were 4 cops around the car! 2 of 'em yanked the back doors open and pointed their guns at my boyfriend, yelling all the usual stuff! I started screaming "don't shoot him, what's going on, whats the matter with you, what are you doing? One of 'em said, "it's all right. You are safe now" I said, safe from what, what are you talking about, this is my BOYFRIEND! One of 'em said, "your boyfriend? What's a nice pretty white girl like you doing with this s#$c?" I was stunned! My first impulse was to slap him, I was so offended. And heartsick. They thought I was being kidnapped because he was brown and I was white! I had always been taught that police could be trusted. That was the end of that. When I was by myself or with all white friends, I was never harrassed. Not so when I was with my Mexican friends. Yes, there was and still is a double standard. I have more stories.........
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