Need help asap!!!!!

My secretary was down in RP this weekend. Her car was stolen from in front of the condo complex she was staying in in Las Concahs on Saturday. The vehicle was recovered in Sonoyta at a checkpoint and returned to R.P. However, the police are refusing to release the vehicle back to her without payment of $3,000.00. She does not speak Spanish and it made things difficult. she stayed in RP until last night and shuttled back to Phoenix. Police still have car. She did not have Mexican Insurance but i don't think that justifies $3,000.00. They are not saying what the fee is for. She contacted the US Consulate, they said just get a Mexican lawyer. Is there anyone on the list serve that can help? If so, please call me at my office - Geoff Fish 602-200-8183 or email me privately and i can pass your name to her. She does not have much money and is very stressed out - email is [email protected]

Any help appreciated. Rosie - i gave her the tourism number thinking maybe they can help. If i was down there i would've done things different, but she just didn't know what to do.




Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
$3000 dollars to get your own vehicle back after it was stolen?? Sheesh! Are you sure it's not 3000 pesos? Perhaps to cover the towing and impound fees? That's not unreasonable and would be about what you'd pay here in the US. I'd try to get that clarified first. Granted, it still sucks, especially after having your vehicle stolen. She's one of the 1st I've heard of whose car has actually been recovered.

Unfortunately, the rate of auto theft in Penasco seems to be increasing substantially. No, I won't <beat dead horse smiley here> go on about the Ford truck thing, but there seem to be an increasing number of vehicle theft reports here. And that's only from folks that know of the forum and come here; I can't imagine what the real overall rate is.

Hopefully, Rosie will chime in and might be able to shed some light on and help with this. $3000 USD sure ain't helping support tourism!!
Update - My secretary has spoken with Rosie who is assisting in getting the car released. Apparently, my secreatary already gave the clerk $1,000.00 US cash - she doesn't have a receipt and therefore that money is all but gone. Rosie has arranged the impound fee and hopefully the car will be out of impound by today - However, it still steams me that my secretary is out the extra $1,000.00. I know its her fault for not getting a receipt, however, she is a young nieve person who was in a state of panic, not speaking the foreign language and didn't know what to do. Apparently, they gave her until tommorrow (thurs.) to come up with the rest of the money. I think many of us would've handled things differently, but i understand why she did what she did. She does have the name of the clerk that she gave the money to and i told her to make some sort of complaint, but i don't really expect that to go anywhere.

Thank You Rosie for your help.
It's sad that it happened....with my limited knowledge of the language, I've always been grateful that the one time I ran into any kind of problems, I knew someone to call for help!!!

BTW, I've always wondered about the effectiveness of the "rent-a-cops"....err...the security at the entrance to Las Conchas....I have never been stopped or questioned whenever I've driven in. I think they're only there to stop renters from coming in with atv's....

Casa Alina

Las Conchas
Why would the L C guards stop you? Most people stop and say Hi to them, get to know them. Does the police stop you from going into Cholla?
Then what is the point of the Security Booth???? Down at the Mayan, you wind up going thru 2 separate gates...and get the "third degree" to get by....I was visiting a friend who was staying there, and they actually called the lobby to verify that that person was registered!
I don't think they should stop and inspect everyone coming in and out of Las Conchas (outside of the off-roading jackasses I've seen them chase down the beach!), but it'd be nice if they had a couple of security cameras on each side. Outside of the slim chance they'd catch someone, it might be a slight deterrent. Couldn't hurt!
I think the gaurds at Las Conchas would do better to stop and question cars as they leave... anyone can walk in from the beach or desert and drive out with your car... if they question a would be car theif on the way in, do you think they would say "We're only here to steal a car"
Is mordida another form of theft?

Contact Fausto Soto at [email protected] or cell XXXXXXXXX to hopefully recover the 1000.00. I'd do it fast before the money is divided up and spent on food and clothing for their kids!


Typical Las Conchas cranky person!I stopped renting there years ago because of the profound unfriendliness of the place. Must be getting ripped off on the desal. unit has made them worse...wait till the pigeon coops are finished!
I don't have all day to explain.
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Now now boy's, one at a time please.
Ha I'm defending Joe! ?The Real estate professional?(professional witch) says: Does the police stop you from going into Cholla?....sort of like saying ? trailer trash how dare you question your rulers"

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As a home owner in Las Conchas I agree that the security really doesn't do much except maybe deter a little, chase of atv's and fireworks - however, i still feel some level of comfort having them there. I do agree that they should do a better job of checking vehicles coming in and out.
Is mordida another form of theft?

Contact Fausto Soto at [email protected] or cell XXXXXXXXXXXXX to hopefully recover the 1000.00. I'd do it fast before the money is divided up and spent on food and clothing for their kids!
the city's director of international relations and tourism
Thank you... for two Newbie Gringos you know a lot... I take it you're newbies to the forum but not new to Rocky Point...