thanksgiving - time to gather



Mom kept the turkey warm for us and she made the fake mashed potatoes :eek3: last year. Ric and his wife did bring a second feast with them...


So Chuck, since you are the master fryer, now that there are 2 oil takers, joester and I, more are welcome too, how much oil is need for the two turkeys? and although Sub might disagree with the choice of place, seems like Walmart might be the winner :eek3: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

PS: the count down starts :eek:


We can have it at my place. I have two six foot tables and six chairs. I'll bring the oil,turkeys,ham,fryer and injectable marinade. I don't think I have enough dinnerware for everybody.
Including myself I'll have a party of four.


2 salty dawgs
I have some nice sturdy Dixie plates I can bring a stack of - doubled up they should hold a ton of food. I have a bridge table I usually bring down, and 4 more chairs to offer. maybe Chari can load our stuff into her jeep to bring it over from PDO :D
what else do we need?


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I have the back seat out of the Jeep. I can bring anybody's stuff that need me to. I have a 6 foot table and 3 or 4 chairs that I can bring, also. What's your space number Joe? I'm in the north 40, space 349. Oh, I have plastic eating utensil set-ups that I can bring. They have everything including salt, pepper and a napkin in a little plastic bag for one. I'll throw a bunch in.

Chuck, you want to do a potluck sign up so we don't have one potato, one vegetable, no bread and 87 desserts? :lol:


Chuck, you want to do a potluck sign up so we don't have one potato, one vegetable, no bread and 87 desserts? :lol:
Sounds good to me. I think Inka is bringing stuffing and mashed potatoes.


Well, I guesstymated 15 people so far from this thread (including Bill H from "fishing") probably a better head count will be best to estimated the amount and types of foods that we will be bringing.
From our side we are 3 people and we will be bringing home made mash potatoes, meat stuffing and "papa a la huancaina" yes, you can google it and make sure you do not drool on the keyboard!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: might get your upper case key stuck!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

and the count down continues!!!!!


2 salty dawgs
Teri and I were planning on bringing home made Pico de gallo (spicy and mild) and Teri's guacamole with chips as an appetizer, along with a batch of my pomegranate margaritas.
we also have plates for everyone - the heavy Dixie plates from Costco. Will also bring plenty of napkins.
My Daughter and my VERY WELL BEHAVED Grandchildren will be gown with us for the Thanksgiving weekend.
Can they come ? I know this is touchy but if you say no there will be no hard feelings. Every one will especially love the granddaughter. They get bad they go home .
I have extra tables and chairs if you need them ! Having not done this before what would be best for us to bring besides our drinks.

As many of us do not know each other and I am bad at memory, can we have name tags ? I will bring them.

And finally where is it going to be ?

Thanks Thanks Thanks


Your welcome to bring them all. I'm in space #36 in San Rafael. It's at the end of the middle row.
I have a 11 lb and 14 lb turkey and a small two lb ham. I'll have chips and dip also. My wife make a killer drink she calls "The Pink Johnson" It has 5-6 different flavors of rum.


2 salty dawgs
Chuck -
thanks again for making us newbies feel so welcome :)
Bill - it may seem a bit corny for some, but I like your name tag idea -
personally, I have a disease called CRS - (Can't Remember Sh' t), so I like the idea ;)
heck, it may even help the next morning, if I can't remember who I am :oops:


tortuga said:
:D Have you invited HAPPY yet? Isn't he do back here soon? He could fry up some :fish: :fish: .
Tomorrow :sunny: is the big day :eek: HAPPY is getting out of the hole and should be allowed by the powers that be to mingle among us once again. Whether or not the great one will want to grace us with his presence remains to be seen but for myself, I'm a fisherman and Happy is the :fish:

Here fishy fishy. :mrgreen:

Bait's in the water :cool:
I thought that I had sent this before but it did not show up.

My daughter and her two VERY WELL BEHAVED CHILDREN will be with us for thanksgiving.
Will it be OK if we bring them. If they are bad they will be sent home. If you do not want them to come just let me know and there will be no hard feelings. I know everyone will love my grandaughter.

We have extra chairs and tables if needed. Just let me know. As we have not participated before what would be best for us to bring besides our drinks . Also because we are new and my memory is bad can we bring name tags for everyone ? If we can help in any way just let me know. We will be down on Wed hopefully by 6:00 pm

Where is it going to be ?

Thanks and looking forward to meeting everyone


Bill you did post this before.
Your welcome to bring them all. I'm in space #36 in San Rafael. It's at the end of the middle row.
I have a 11 lb and 14 lb turkey and a small two lb ham. I'll have chips and dip also. My wife make a killer drink she calls "The Pink Johnson" It has 5-6 different flavors of rum.
We need to get a head count?
Let's get the menu together?
Nine days and counting...


2 salty dawgs
count Teri and Joe as 2 -
we'll bring our home made Pico de gallo (spicy and mild),
and Teri's guacamole with chips as appetizers - plenty of sturdy paper plates, napkins and
Joes pomegranate margaritas - also split the cost of the peanut oil.
3 adults and two small children.
Edna makes great home cooked cranberries.

Remember I said we have extra tables and chairs if you want them


Bill Hale said:
3 adults and two small children......
Bill, no problem we like children, well done!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
joking aside, that will be great, some more kids for my kid to play with!!!! :D


User is currently banned
Gentlemen, & Ladies, ~~~ It sounds like you are going to have quite a group, ~~~ It is probably too late to reserve for t-day , ~~~ but did you know that you could have used the club house @ PDO, ~~~ then no problem if wind came up, ~~~ We have done many times, ~~~



~~~ "ORINA SE' ENCIMA DE LA PIEDRA" :lol: :lol: :lol: