Damage Report

Barb and I just returned from the Mirador and surveying the damage if any...

Bill "WoodSpinner" we went by and all is intact

RPJoe... your tire cover was half way off so it is back on now...

Chuck "azbeachboy" you have a little sand on your patio no damage...

Chari "LadyJeeper" your A\C cover has blown off, and your flexable sewage drain tube is torn in half and you will need to replace the flexable part of it...

Edwardo "Inks" your stairway to heaven is still intact.. must be because of the great construction...

I have photos of all your places and if you want to see them send an email to [email protected] and I will get them out to you...

If anyone else has a property that you would like for me to take a look at and assess any damages you can send an email with your phone number and I will give you a call to get directions to your place and check them out....

OK you're probably thinking what's the catch what do I want in return? We just want you to come back down to Rocky Point soon...

Thanks to all who had inquired about our well-being... everything is fine with us we only had a little water that was being blown under our front door and my dog Boo pretty much licked that all up...


Thanks for the info Mark. I'm glad you guys are alright!


Glad to hear that my friends, and my friends places are OK, but what about the area as a whole? Did they really receive damage at the Pigeoncoup's, or was someone just wishfully thinking? If they did, that's just another negative on top of what's already been happening.
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You know what Kenny, I have a pigeon coop. Should I just not worry about my place? This is why I have had a hard time on this site. Is this site only allowed for people who have been there since forever?

Not all of us condo owners are elitists, nasty people. Ugh. We have a right to post too.


You know what Kenny, I have a pigeon coop. Should I just not worry about my place? This is why I have had a hard time on this site. Is this site only allowed for people who have been there since forever?

Not all of us condo owners are elitists, nasty people. Ugh. We have a right to post too.
I have friends that live down there in nice joint's, and I don't think they are elitist, and I've never said condo owner were. So don't get all weird on me when I joke around. I've never said, nor did I hope for anyone to have damage down there because of this storm. Yes, the condo's too.
There has been some real jerks on this forum in the past who were not your average condo owner, but investor's who are nothing like you, and I'm sure your very nice family. Yes, I've bumped heads with some of those high roller types. Heck, the reason I sleep under trailers instead of inside them is because then I won't be trailer trash..just trash.

That was not my wishful thinking, and I'm insulted that you thought it might be.
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huge waves and up to 70 mph wind gusts at Santo Tomas. They had spent two days removing sand from the road to the house under construction on lot 105 and in one day the storm put it all back.I always tell people when you are right on the beach it has it's downsides.

waterkids....he was just kidding......the real estate hucksters that overbuilt,under planned and screwed everything up are the only villians in this story.


I wasn't kidding about anything, I just used the term "Pigeoncoup's" instead of condominium's. It was a serious question about the damage that was reported fleetingly, then nothing else was said about it.
I hope, and now I'll assume that you didn't waterkids, good.
You know what Kenny, I have a pigeon coop. Should I just not worry about my place? This is why I have had a hard time on this site. Is this site only allowed for people who have been there since forever?

Not all of us condo owners are elitists, nasty people. Ugh. We have a right to post too.
Hey Waterkids, I'll let Kenny answer for himself, but you aren't the only cooper here. Thank you for posting. There is a bit of reverse-snobbery in here sometimes, and sometimes even reverse slobbery. I still happen to think most coopers aren't all that snobby (or slobby).


waterkids.... Back in the day the "wild boy's" used to stay at Sandy beach. The group that my dad knew worked at Hugh's aircraft in Cali with him, and that's how he found out about it, and Cholla bay. They were all Vets, either the second world war, or like my uncle Teddy, Korea. I don't know what the law was then, but they were packin.That's where I learned about "NO FEAR". There also was a small nudist colony up the hill that I ran into when I was about 10 or 11, and it freaked me out.
We, my family stayed in what was then the equivalent LOL of pigeoncoups, at least to the natives, and our friends who roughed camped at Sandy beach. Natcho had a small store in Cholla and he rented out some "Hut's" there, and I loved them. I liked Lizards and bugs, and heck, they were both on the ceiling. It's also where I learned to shake out my shoe's in the morning, in case a Scorpion or two bedded down in them. But to the natives who had fished and camped out of Cholla bay for centuries, we were intruder's who had ended their way of life. There actually were still some Indians who fished out of there at that time with small wooden boats with eggbeater engine's.
I went back to the coast of Cali in 63, then up into the Pacific Northwest in 74. When I came back to Cholla and Sandy beach they had real houses in Cholla, and Sandy beach had been paved for RV's and trailer's. Another group thought they "were intruder's who had ended their way of life." and so it goes.
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Glad to hear that my friends, and my friends places are OK, but what about the area as a whole? Did they really receive damage at the Pigeoncoup's, or was someone just wishfully thinking? If they did, that's just another negative on top of what's already been happening.
Heard from a "cooper" friend....his place was ok, but he indicated that there were condos with windows blown out and ceilings dropping due to rain getting it....he didn't get into which resorts or how many....also the roads were a mess.
So sorry Kenny. If I had known all your history I would have never bought our coop. I am so sorry.. We bought 5 years ago. What should I do now? Geezzzzzzzzzzz. Do you own it now?


You know what Kenny, I have a pigeon coop. Should I just not worry about my place? This is why I have had a hard time on this site. Is this site only allowed for people who have been there since forever?

Not all of us condo owners are elitists, nasty people. Ugh. We have a right to post too.
Ole skenny is attempting to get his band of "Old School Rocky Point Loyalists" gathered back up!!
Him and his band of marry men hate us Condo owners and think we contributed to degridation of the common folk quality of life through irresponsible growth.
Over the years, Skenny, Chappy , Cherry and others have promoted hate toward those that dont subscribe to their ideoligy (old school rocky point).
Chappy (Happy) has been granted asylum once agin (he has been banned 10 -15 times) for the sake of who knows what (ratings) .
I will most likely get banned for life for sharing the truth.


So sorry Kenny. If I had known all your history I would have never bought our coop. I am so sorry.. We bought 5 years ago. What should I do now? Geezzzzzzzzzzz. Do you own it now?
You didn't get my story, "and so it goes" is the reality of change, and how it's looked at by each generation, or group of people differently. You had no more to do with that change at Sandy beach, than I did as kid living in hut's in Cholla bay on what was once the fishing grounds and camps of native Americans.

"Do I own it now".. are you being a smart ass, or is it me? Nope, it's not me..no wonder we clash!!
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Oh boy, I've alway's wanted that "common folk quality of life" Brad. Do you think I've found it yet?... Find one post on here where I attacked you for owning a condo, or shut up!
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Ole skenny is attempting to get his band of "Old School Rocky Point Loyalists" gathered back up!!
Him and his band of marry men hate us Condo owners and think we contributed to degridation of the common folk quality of life through irresponsible growth.
Over the years, Skenny, Chappy , Cherry and others have promoted hate toward those that dont subscribe to their ideoligy (old school rocky point).
Chappy (Happy) has been granted asylum once agin (he has been banned 10 -15 times) for the sake of who knows what (ratings) .
I will most likely get banned for life for sharing the truth.
Brad....I don't know you...but obviously you have been a lurker on this forum (on here about 6 months with only 19 posts).....you seem to know a lot about some of the individuals (characters???) that post regularly (maybe from the old Forum??)....but you also seem to have a lack of reading comprehension.

I doubt Kenny hates condo owners (I won't even attempt to talk for Happy!!)....I don't.... but I do dislike what has happened to Penasco as a result of the condos (note...I said condos...not condo owners.....even though the madness of building more and more condos has closed many of the rv parks) BTW....I proudly wear my Penasco Trailer Trash t-shirt!!!! But that is a function of change....most people dislike change....and I have seen Penasco change drastically since I started coming down, and IMHO, not for the better.


I finally saw Avatar last week at the IMAX on Baseline road . Boy was it great on the 6 story high screen! It sort of reminded me of the Rocky Point situation. The simple trailer people(picture them as the big blue people) live on the beach in harmony with nature,racing beatup dune buggies to the beer store,fishing,breaking Wonder bread with their neighbors,reading the "left behind" series and not doing too much lasting damage to the land. Then the Sky People come.Large earth moving machines,backed by men with guns telling the people they must move the old Winabago(paid for!) so a family of nine from mesa can be sold a overpriced,badly built faulty tower they financed against their over valued house in the states. The Sky peole block the peoples view of the sun god(or JJay's) as they l lay on the beach.So the people fight back with their only weapon available (since you can't bring dynamite into Mexico)...words