heard about any shooting?


just got a phone call from a person in Texas who is going to PP in two weeks and he said that a friend of his that works for the FBI called him to let him know about a shooting that took place in the road somewhere between Sonoyta and PP sometime today, does anybody heard anything? or is another government/FBI false alarm?
Chari left a note at my house and in it she said... "we passed a shot up vehicle at 4:30 at Kilometer #73, 4 bullet holes and a million Feds" sounds like it's the truth...
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Oh no, Ink. We passed a shot up black I think it was a Merceds SUV at kilometer 73. There were a gazillion Feds around it. I tried to visit mark but he was not at home. We can't get Magic jack up here tonight. We just got into the internet, I'll go visit Rosie tomorrow and post up.


That's a different car, time and place..did I miss it?
On the morning of Saturday, June 12, agents of the state and municipal police response telephone report to C-4, came to a point located on Cliff Road, Sonoita, approximately at kilometer 87, where they found an abandoned vehicle in The wagon type vehicle had four bullet holes in the bodywork, there were no traces of blood inside the vehicle, it is presumed it was a "surge".
At approximately 09:30 am on Saturday, June 12, the C-4 reported to the state and municipal police have received notice that on the road Sonoyta Cliff-type vehicle had left a white van, police officers reporting in effect, on the edge of the cavalcade had before it a wagon type vehicle, Toyota, Sequoia line, model 2003, 164WVM plates for the state of Arizona, 5TDZT34A435152416 serial number, according to the report prepared by officers rushed to the scene, there was not anyone inside or outside the vehicle, had four bullet holes in the rear, at the door, and in the crystal, it is noted in the report that the vehicle had no traces of blood.
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Lovin it in RP!
Calm heads people the story has not yet to begin to unfold, it is hard to believe that if someone was missing from the states we would not have heard about it by now,...... no? Lets see what the investigation proves before we freak out! I am just trying to keep it real.


unfortunatelly it seems as real as the teenager found dead in lakeside park a couple of days ago in Tucson, but that does not change the fact that it is going to be blown out of proportion by the media as always and even worst with the vehicle having a AZ license plate, lets hope that the VIN tells us more and comes up as stolen vehicle!!
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I met a guy last night at Flavios who had driven by this and asked me if I heard anything about it.

He said there was a car that was all shot up. It was about 5 miles outside of Puerto Penasco on the main highway. I happened around 4:30pm. It was right in the middle of the road.

I searched news sources but could not find anything. There was this article about 2 separate shootings yesterday in Sonoyta, but nothing on the one near Puerto Penasco.
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What is being discussed/posted about are actually a combination of four separate incidents. Let me see if I can help unravel the facts for you:

1. On June 12, a white 2003 Toyota Sequoia with AZ plates was found on the Sonoyta-Penasco highway with four bullet holes in it. There was no one found with the vehicle, and there were no traces of blood inside it. The vehicle had been reported stolen approximately 8 months ago in Arizona. Authorities surmise that since the theft, it had been used for illicit purposes and that the driver was forced to stop on the highway by a rival, after which he was taken to parts unknown.

2. Yesterday morning, June 18th at 10:30am, a man by the name of Jorge Mitre Bitar Tosen was shot several times as he exited his black Suburban in Sonoyta. This happened practically in front of the hospital and he received immediate medical attention. At this time it appears he will survive the attempt on his life. The assailants got away.

3. Shortly after 3pm on June 18th, Mario Madueno of Puerto Penasco, his brother-in-law and another man were ambushed and killed in the parking lot of an OXXO. The victims were aged 34, 35 and 37, respectively. The shooters, reportedly in a grey Jeep Grand Cherokee, were seen in pursuit of black Jeep Cherokee on their way out of Sonoyta, headed towards Penasco.

4. At 3:30pm June 18th, a black 2001 Jeep Cherokee, presumed to be the one that had been chased by the shooters in the above shooting, was found abandoned and riddled with bullet holes on the highway. Again, there were no traces of blood either in or around the vehicle, leading authorities to surmise that those in the vehicle were forced to leave the scene.

I knew Mario Madueno. He operated one of his family's businesses, SJJ, the heavy machinery place on the highway outside Penasco. I didn't know him well, but remember, this is indeed a small town. He was always courteous and friendly to me.
I ,for one, hate to hear about this. I am sorry for the victims and more sorry for the panic and bad press this will create. The shootings in Phoenix are tolerated by the press but not in RP area. I will not be bullied into not going to RP and I will make sure that everyone knows that it is still a safe place to go.


Rosi, as always you bring us the information on a platter and make us understand that all this, although with ties in PP is not directed to americans or tourist in general, I just hope that the media in US takes the same approach, I'll be on the road to paradise anytime now!!


Mario was a good person to many that i know including me. He will be missed and if anyone sees Julio, please tell him Derek said that he is very sorry for the loss to him and his family. Thank you.
I heard that the Chief of Police of PP was shot at and wounded badly last night along with another officer. Good thoughts and prayers that they both recover from their injuries.


I have been in town at my home in las conchas the past 2 weeks and heard the same thing. Police Chief is still alive but barely. Where was the consctruction compny owner killed? In Penasco or Sonoyta or elsewhere.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
I don't have to tell anyone here how much I love Penasco. These reports disturb me greatly. Inka, you state: "is not directed to americans or tourist in general." Very true. But, as the intensity and frequency of these gun battles and direct attacks on authority figures grow, it doesn't take a crystal ball to see that it's only a matter of time before an innocent gets caught in the crossfire. I truly dread that day that a gringo family, possibly with children, gets caught up in this simply by being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or perhaps they happen to be driving a vehicle similar to what the narcos are targeting (mistaken identity).

This has been my worst fear about the violence. When this inevitably happens, roll up the carpet, turn out the lights, and stick a fork in it - Penasco tourism will be done, plain and simple. I hope I do not live to see this day.