Homeport moving along!


Keep wishing for a fail. Negative people are correct about 95% of the time because it is the path of least resistance and does not require intellect or creativity. Just beat your drum against anything positive......so sad really.

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Your comment about 'negative people' makes no sense. How is it they get to be correct 95% of the time??

You are the one that identifies any comment you choose as negative Russ, irrespective of the intent of the poster. I'm surprised you have not poo pooed the burglaries in the Malecon. Truth is that the Sea of Cortez serves up some big waves and all of your positive talk will not calm a raging sea. Remember what it did to the Malecon a few years back.


Lovin it in RP!
I dont feel at ease talking about the mirador roberies because i am not an absentee owner. I hate thieves but they are out there and we need to protect ourselves from them its no different here than anywhere else if you are gone for six months at a time or whatever ....you need to have a plan. Regarding negative people being right its because negative people are louder than positive people so they must be right. Just ask all those people reading this forum who wont post for fear of being slayed by the jackassez

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What's good for sea of cortez is what I hope for.This project is a rat turd you boosters thinks is a caper.....enjoy
I really don't want to beat a dead horse to death but the project has been flawed from the beginning. No pay for the workers, no permit for blasting, no rock wrong rock storm took away small rock. Had to make concrete rock. Crock of Sh#@ now they are going to retrieve the rock and re pack it well folks you don't pack rock you place it. Oh and where are the divers moving all the sea life that are now under that rock that washed away just saying. I could go on but will refrain.
Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce are coming for a tour this week, to see all the progress on this baby. :eek:

All their going to see is Hot and Humid and a busload of slick presentations on what could be, if those in charge of this cluster had a clue.

Personally, I'm not totally opposed (60/40) to the project, I just think RP needs a, lot, lot more in place to make this thing work.
And if cruises do actually start stopping here, Hope they use Smaller Ships, less than 2000 passengers for the sake of RP's lack of infrastructure.
OK, Off my soap box.;)
I just think RP needs a, lot, lot more in place to make this thing work. And if cruises do actually start stopping here, Hope they use Smaller Ships, less than 2000 passengers for the sake of RP's lack of infrastructure.
My exact thoughts from the start. Infrastructure should have been at least started at the same time if not sooner than the jetty.